batchgenerators is a python package that we developed at the Division of Medical Image Computing at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) to suit all our deep learning data augmentation needs. It is not (yet) perfect, but we feel it is good enough to be shared with the community. If you encounter bug, feel free to contact us or open a github issue.
If you use it please cite the following work:
Isensee Fabian, Jäger Paul, Wasserthal Jakob, Zimmerer David, Petersen Jens, Kohl Simon,
Schock Justus, Klein Andre, Roß Tobias, Wirkert Sebastian, Neher Peter, Dinkelacker Stefan,
Köhler Gregor, Maier-Hein Klaus (2020). batchgenerators - a python framework for data
augmentation. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3632567
We supports a variety of augmentations, all of which are compatible with 2D and 3D input data! (This is something that was missing in most other frameworks).
- Spatial Augmentations
- mirroring
- channel translation (to simulate registration errors)
- elastic deformations
- rotations
- scaling
- resampling
- Color Augmentations
- brightness (additive, multiplivative)
- contrast
- gamma (like gamma correction in photo editing)
- Noise Augmentations
- Gaussian Noise
- Rician Noise
- ...will be expanded in future commits
- Cropping
- random crop
- center crop
- padding
Note: Stack transforms by using batchgenerators.transforms.abstract_transforms.Compose. Finish it up by plugging the composed transform into our multithreader: batchgenerators.dataloading.multi_threaded_augmenter.MultiThreadedAugmenter
The working principle is simple: Derive from DataLoaderBase class, reimplement generate_train_batch member function and
use it to stack your augmentations!
For simple example see batchgenerators/examples/example_ipynb.ipynb
We also now have an extensive example for BraTS2017/2018 with both 2D and 3D DataLoader and augmentations:
There are also CIFAR10/100 datasets and DataLoader available at batchgenerators/datasets/
The data structure that is used internally (and with which you have to comply when implementing generate_train_batch) is kept simple as well: It is just a regular python dictionary! We did this to allow maximum flexibility in the kind of data that is passed along through the pipeline. The dictionary must have a 'data' key:value pair. It optionally can handle a 'seg' key:vlaue pair to hold a segmentation. If a 'seg' key:value pair is present all spatial transformations will also be applied to the segmentation! A part from 'data' and 'seg' you are free to do whatever you want (your image classification/regression target for example). All key:value pairs other than 'data' and 'seg' will be passed through the pipeline unmodified.
'data' value must have shape (b, c, x, y) for 2D or shape (b, c, x, y, z) for 3D! 'seg' value must have shape (b, c, x, y) for 2D or shape (b, c, x, y, z) for 3D! Color channel may be used here to allow for several segmentation maps. If you have only one segmentation, make sure to have shape (b, 1, x, y (, z))
Install batchgenerators
pip install --upgrade batchgenerators
Import as follows
from batchgenerators.transforms.color_transforms import ContrastAugmentationTransform
Batchgenerators makes heavy use of python multiprocessing and python multiprocessing on windows is different from linux.
To prevent the workers from freezing in windows, you have to guard your code with if __name__ == '__main__'
and use multiprocessing's freeze_support
. The executed script may then look like this:
# some imports and functions here
def main():
# do some stuff
if __name__ == '__main__':
from multiprocessing import freeze_support
This is not required on Linux.
(only highlights, not an exhaustive list)
0.20.0: fixed an issue with MultiThreadedAugmenter not terminating properly after KeyboardInterrupt; Fixed an error with the number and order of samples being returned when pin_memory=True; Improved performance by always hiding process-process communication bottleneck through threading
0.19.5: fixed OMP_NUM_THREADS issue by using threadpoolctl package; dropped python 2 support (threadpoolctl is not available for python 2)
- There is now a complete example for BraTS2017/8 available for both 2D and 3D. Use this if you would like to get some insights on how I (Fabian) do my experiments
- Windows is now supported! Thanks @justusschock for your support!
- new, simple parametrization of elastic deformation. Use SpatialTransform_2!
- CIFAR10/100 DataLoader are now available for your convenience
- a bug in MultiThreadedAugmenter that could interfere with reproducibility is now fixed
- all augmentations (there are some exceptions though) are implemented on a per-sample basis. This should make it easier to use the augmentations outside of the Transforms of batchgenerators
- applicable Transforms now have a keyword p_per_sample with which the user can specify a probability with which this transform is applied to a sample. Before, this was handled by RndTransform and applied to the whole batch (so either all samples were augmented or none). Now this decision is made on a per-sample basis and increases variability by a lot.
- following the previous point, RndTransform is now deprecated
- AlternativeMultiThreadedAugmenter is now deprecated as well (no need to have this anymore)
- pytorch users can now transform numpy arrays to pytorch tensors within batchgenerators (NumpyToTensor). For some reason, inter-process communication is faster with tensors (~factor 4), so this is recommended!
- if numpy arrays were converted to pytorch tensors, MultithreadedAugmenter now allows to pin the memory as well (pin_memory=True). This will happen in a background thread (inspired by pytorch DataLoader). pinned memory can be copied to the GPU much faster. My (Fabian) classification experiment with Resnet50 got a speed boost of 12% from just that.