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JSON Tables

Anton edited this page Jul 31, 2019 · 4 revisions

One of the most common problem with markdown is that it is hard to write tables. They must be written either as html, or as markdown, which is troublesome and requires somewhat effort. Although there are online tools to build markdown tables, with Documentary the process is even simpler: the data just needs to be put into a JSON array.

To describe tabular data (for example, a CLI tool arguments) in a table, but prepare them in a more readable format, Documentary allows to write code blocks with the table language to be converted into a markdown table. The content of the blocks must be in JSON format and contain a single array of arrays which represent rows.

  ["Arg", "Description"],
  ["-f", "Display only free domains"],
  ["-z", "A list of zones to check"]

The data will be parsed and markdown syntax for tables will be generated.

Markdown Readme
| Arg |        Description        |
| --- | ------------------------- |
| -f  | Display only free domains |
| -z  | A list of zones to check  |
Arg Description
-f Display only free domains
-z A list of zones to check

Template Macros

Whenever there's a pattern for presenting data in a table, such as that input fields can be mapped to output columns, a table macro can be defined. The example below defines a macro to print a row containing a link, logo and description of a company. It is then used in a table, where only the actual values are entered, relying on Documentary to substitute them in the template.

  <a href="$2">[[images/logos/$3\|alt=$1 Logo]]</a>, $4, $5\, $6

```table Company
  ["Company", "Tag Line", "Evaluation & Exit"],
    "VWO", "", "vwo.png",
    "A/B Testing and Conversion Optimization Platform™", "$10m", "2018"
|                               Company                                |                     Tag Line                      | Evaluation & Exit |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| <a href="">[[images/logos/vwo.png\|alt=VWO Logo]]</a> | A/B Testing and Conversion Optimization Platform™ | $10m, 2018        |

The values in the macro need to be separated with , which allows to substitute them into the correct column of the table row. When a , needs to be used as part of the column in the macro, it can be escaped with \ such as \, as shown in the last column of the example.

Company Tag Line Evaluation & Exit
VWO Logo A/B Testing and Conversion Optimization Platform™ $10m, 2018
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