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lukeshingles committed Feb 27, 2025
1 parent bb73d6c commit 9c7404e
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 58 deletions.
89 changes: 31 additions & 58 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,9 +61,8 @@ struct Nuclide {
std::array<double, decaytypes::DECAYTYPE_COUNT> branchprobs = {0.}; // branch probability of each decay type

[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto decay_daughter_z(const int z_parent, const int /*a_parent*/, const int decaytype) -> int
// check if (z_parent, a_parent) is a parent of (z, a)
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto decay_daughter_z(const int z_parent, const int /*a_parent*/, const int decaytype) -> int {
assert_always(decaytype >= 0);
assert_always(decaytype < decaytypes::DECAYTYPE_COUNT);

Expand All @@ -88,9 +87,8 @@ struct Nuclide {
return -1; // no daughter

[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto decay_daughter_a(const int /*z_parent*/, const int a_parent, const int decaytype) -> int
// check if (z_parent, a_parent) is a parent of (z, a)
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto decay_daughter_a(const int /*z_parent*/, const int a_parent, const int decaytype) -> int {
switch (static_cast<enum decaytypes>(decaytype)) {
case decaytypes::DECAYTYPE_ALPHA: {
return a_parent - 4; // lose two protons and two neutrons
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,6 +133,7 @@ std::vector<DecayPath> decaypaths;
std::span<double> decaypath_energy_per_mass{};
MPI_Win win_decaypath_energy_per_mass{MPI_WIN_NULL};

// Get the probability that a decay of decaytype occurs
[[nodiscard]] auto get_nuc_decaybranchprob(const int nucindex, const int decaytype) -> double {
assert_testmodeonly(nucindex >= 0);
assert_testmodeonly(nucindex < get_num_nuclides());
Expand All @@ -143,10 +142,6 @@ MPI_Win win_decaypath_energy_per_mass{MPI_WIN_NULL};
return nuclides[nucindex].branchprobs[decaytype];

[[nodiscard]] auto get_nuc_decaybranchprob(const int z_parent, const int a_parent, const int decaytype) -> double {
return get_nuc_decaybranchprob(get_nucindex(z_parent, a_parent), decaytype);

// check if (z_parent, a_parent) is a parent of (z, a)
[[nodiscard]] auto nuc_is_parent(const int z_parent, const int a_parent, const int z, const int a) -> bool {
assert_testmodeonly(nuc_exists(z_parent, a_parent));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,10 +317,9 @@ void printout_decaypath(const int decaypathindex) {

void extend_lastdecaypath()
// follow decays at the ends of the current list of decaypaths,
// follow decays at the ends of the current list of decaypaths
// to get decaypaths from all descendants
void extend_lastdecaypath() {
const int startdecaypathindex = static_cast<int>(decaypaths.size() - 1);

const int daughter_z = decaypaths[startdecaypathindex].final_daughter_z();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -486,35 +480,34 @@ void filter_unused_nuclides(const std::vector<int> &custom_zlist, const std::vec
auto sample_decaytime(const int decaypathindex, const double tdecaymin, const double tdecaymax) -> double {
double tdecay = -1;
const double t_model = grid::get_t_model();
// rejection method. draw random times until they are within the correct range.
// rejection method. draw random times with the right distribution until they are within the correct range.
while (tdecay <= tdecaymin || tdecay >= tdecaymax) {
tdecay = t_model; // can't decay before initial model snapshot time

const auto decaypathlength = get_decaypathlength(decaypathindex);
for (int i = 0; i < decaypathlength; i++) {
const int nucindex = decaypaths[decaypathindex].nucindex[i];
const double zrand = rng_uniform_pos();
tdecay += -get_meanlife(nucindex) * log(zrand);
tdecay += -get_meanlife(nucindex) * std::log(zrand);
return tdecay;

// calculate final number abundance from multiple decays, e.g., Ni56 -> Co56 -> Fe56 (nuc[0] -> nuc[1] -> nuc[2])
// the top nuclide initial abundance is set and the chain-end abundance is returned (all intermediates nuclides
// are assumed to start with zero abundance)
// note: first and last can be nuclide can be the same if num_nuclides==1, reducing to simple decay formula
// timediff: time elapsed since firstinitabund was true [seconds]
// numnuclides: number of items in lambdas to use
// lambdas: array of 1/(mean lifetime) for nuc[0]..nuc[num_nuclides-1] [seconds^-1]
// useexpansionfactor: if true, return a modified 'abundance' at the end of the chain, with a weighting factor
// accounting for photon energy loss from expansion since the decays occurred
// (This is needed to get the initial temperature)
constexpr auto calculate_decaychain(const double firstinitabund, const std::vector<double> &lambdas,
const int num_nuclides, const double timediff, const bool useexpansionfactor)
-> double {
// calculate final number abundance from multiple decays, e.g., Ni56 -> Co56 -> Fe56 (nuc[0] -> nuc[1] -> nuc[2])
// the top nuclide initial abundance is set and the chain-end abundance is returned (all intermediates nuclides
// are assumed to start with zero abundance)
// note: first and last can be nuclide can be the same if num_nuclides==1, reducing to simple decay formula
// timediff: time elapsed since firstinitabund was true [seconds]
// numnuclides: number of items in lambdas to use
// lambdas: array of 1/(mean lifetime) for nuc[0]..nuc[num_nuclides-1] [seconds^-1]
// useexpansionfactor: if true, return a modified 'abundance' at the end of the chain, with a weighting factor
// accounting for photon energy loss from expansion since the decays occurred
// (This is needed to get the initial temperature)

assert_always(num_nuclides >= 1);

double lambdaproduct = 1.;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -548,13 +541,12 @@ constexpr auto calculate_decaychain(const double firstinitabund, const std::vect
return lastabund;

auto get_nuc_massfrac(const int nonemptymgi, const int z, const int a, const double time) -> double
// Get the mass fraction of a nuclide accounting for all decays including those of its parent and grandparent.
// e.g., Co56 abundance may first increase with time due to Ni56 decays, then decease due to Co56 decay
// Can be called for stable nuclides that are one daughters of the radioactive nuclide list e.g., Fe56
// For stable nuclides, abundance returned only comes from other decays (some could be included in init model elem
// frac)
auto get_nuc_massfrac(const int nonemptymgi, const int z, const int a, const double time) -> double {
const auto modelgridindex = grid::get_mgi_of_nonemptymgi(nonemptymgi);
assert_always(time >= 0.);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -617,15 +609,11 @@ auto get_nuc_massfrac(const int nonemptymgi, const int z, const int a, const dou
return nuctotal;

// Get the decay energy [erg/g] that would be released from time tstart [s] to time infinity by a given decaypath
// e.g. Ni56 -> Co56, represents the decays of Co56 nuclei that were produced from Ni56 in the initial abundance.
// Decays from Co56 due to the initial abundance of Co56 are not counted here, nor is the energy from Ni56 decays
auto get_endecay_to_tinf_per_ejectamass_at_time(const int modelgridindex, const int decaypathindex, const double time)
-> double
// returns decay energy [erg/g] that would be released from time tstart [s] to time infinity by a given decaypath
// e.g. Ni56 -> Co56, represents the decay of Co56 nuclei
// that were produced from Ni56 in the initial abundance.
// Decays from Co56 due to the initial abundance of Co56 are not counted here,
// nor is the energy from Ni56 decays

-> double {
assert_testmodeonly(decaypathindex >= 0);
assert_testmodeonly(decaypathindex < get_num_decaypaths());

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -697,11 +685,11 @@ auto get_endecay_per_ejectamass_t0_to_time_withexpansion_chain_numerical(const i
return chain_endecay;

auto get_endecay_per_ejectamass_between_times(const int mgi, const int decaypathindex, const double tlow,
const double thigh) -> double
// get decay energy per mass [erg/g] released by a decaypath between times tlow [s] and thigh [s]
assert_always(tlow <= thigh);
auto get_endecay_per_ejectamass_between_times(const int mgi, const int decaypathindex, const double tlow,
const double thigh) -> double {
assert_testmodeonly(mgi < grid::get_npts_model());
assert_testmodeonly(tlow <= thigh);
const double energy_tlow = get_endecay_to_tinf_per_ejectamass_at_time(mgi, decaypathindex, tlow);
const double energy_thigh = get_endecay_to_tinf_per_ejectamass_at_time(mgi, decaypathindex, thigh);
assert_always(energy_tlow >= energy_thigh);
Expand All @@ -710,23 +698,8 @@ auto get_endecay_per_ejectamass_between_times(const int mgi, const int decaypath
return endiff;

auto calculate_simtime_endecay_per_ejectamass(const int mgi, const int decaypathindex) -> double
// calculate the decay energy released during the simulation time per unit mass [erg/g]
assert_testmodeonly(mgi < grid::get_npts_model());

if constexpr (!INITIAL_PACKETS_ON) {
// get decay energy released from t=tmin to tmax
return get_endecay_per_ejectamass_between_times(mgi, decaypathindex, globals::tmin, globals::tmax);
} else {
// get decay energy released from t=0 to tmax
return get_endecay_per_ejectamass_between_times(mgi, decaypathindex, grid::get_t_model(), globals::tmax);

auto get_simtime_endecay_per_ejectamass(const int nonemptymgi, const int decaypathindex) -> double
// get the decay energy released during the simulation time per unit mass [erg/g]
auto get_simtime_endecay_per_ejectamass(const int nonemptymgi, const int decaypathindex) -> double {
const double chainendecay = decaypath_energy_per_mass[(nonemptymgi * get_num_decaypaths()) + decaypathindex];
assert_testmodeonly(chainendecay >= 0.);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1061,15 +1034,15 @@ void setup_decaypath_energy_per_mass() {


const auto time_min_decay = INITIAL_PACKETS_ON ? grid::get_t_model() : globals::tmin;
printout("Calculating decaypath_energy_per_mass for all cells...");
const ptrdiff_t num_decaypaths = get_num_decaypaths();
for (int nonemptymgi = 0; nonemptymgi < nonempty_npts_model; nonemptymgi++) {
if (nonemptymgi % globals::node_nprocs == globals::rank_in_node) {
const int mgi = grid::get_mgi_of_nonemptymgi(nonemptymgi);
for (ptrdiff_t decaypathindex = 0; decaypathindex < num_decaypaths; decaypathindex++) {
decaypath_energy_per_mass[(nonemptymgi * num_decaypaths) + decaypathindex] =
calculate_simtime_endecay_per_ejectamass(mgi, decaypathindex);
get_endecay_per_ejectamass_between_times(mgi, decaypathindex, time_min_decay, globals::tmax);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1200,7 +1173,7 @@ void update_abundances(const int nonemptymgi, const int timestep, const double t
const int daughter_z = decay_daughter_z(nuc_z, a, decaytype);
const int daughter_a = decay_daughter_a(nuc_z, a, decaytype);
if (daughter_z == atomic_number && !nuc_exists(daughter_z, daughter_a) &&
get_nuc_decaybranchprob(nuc_z, a, decaytype) > 0.) {
get_nuc_decaybranchprob(nucindex, decaytype) > 0.) {
if (!a_isotopes.contains(daughter_a)) {
// nuclide decays into correct atomic number but outside of the radionuclide list
Expand Down

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