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Parameters and topics

Jeremie Deray edited this page May 27, 2018 · 3 revisions


~broadcast_tf (bool, default: false)
Whether the node broadcast the integrated pose on tf.

~init_origin (bool, default: false)
Whether to initialize the origin from tf (source base_frame, target global_frame).

~publish_odom (bool, default: true)
Whether the integrated pose is published as a nav_msgs::Odometry (true) or a geometry_msgs::Pose2D (false).

~fixed_sensor (bool, default: true)
Whether the laser sensor if fixed w.r.t the base_frame or not. In case it is set to false, the node tries to retrieve the sensor pose from tf prior to each odometry publication.

~throttle (int, default: 1)
Throttling of the input topic by %throttle.

~tf_try (int, default: 1)
How many tries to retrieve the laser pose from tf.

~global_frame (string, default: map)
The global frame. It is used to initial the integration origin. It is also the frame in which is published the odometry.



~topic_in (sensor_msgs::LaserScan / sensor_msgs::PointCloud2)
Subscribe to either types of messages. The node figure-out the message type on the first one received and re-wires callbacks accordingly.


~laser_odom (nav_msgs::Odometry / geometry_msgs::Pose2D - see publish_odom)
The actual odometry.

~laser_delta_odom (nav_msgs::Odometry / geometry_msgs::Pose2D - see publish_odom)
The odometry increment since the last key-frame in the sensor frame.

~key_frame (sensor_msgs::LaserScan / sensor_msgs::PointCloud2) Republish the input messages that have been selected as key-frame.

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