# getting the code
git clone [email protected]:nko4/lozi.git && cd ./lozi/
# developing
npm install
npm start
# deploying (to http://lozi.2013.nodeknockout.com/)
./deploy nko
# ssh access
ssh [email protected]
ssh [email protected]
# or, if you get prompted for a password
ssh -i ./id_deploy [email protected]
ssh -i ./id_deploy [email protected]
Read more about this setup on our blog.
We've already set up a basic node server for you. Details:
- Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) - 64-bit
- server.js is at:
- logs are at:
keeps the server running.sv restart serverjs
- restartssv start serverjs
- startssv stop serverjs
- stopsps -ef | grep runsvdir
- to see logscat /etc/service/serverjs/run
- to see the config
You can use the ./deploy
script included in this repo to deploy to your
server right now. Advanced users, feel free to tweak.
Read more about this setup on our blog.
Use our "Vote KO" widget to let from your app directly. Here's the code for including it in your site:
<iframe src="http://nodeknockout.com/iframe/lozi" frameborder=0 scrolling=no allowtransparency=true width=115 height=25>
If you're feeling a bit lost about how to get started or what to use, we've got some great resources for you, including:
- How to install node and npm
- Getting started with Express
- OAuth with Passport
- Going Beyond “Hello World” with Drywall
- and many more…
If you have any issues, we're on IRC in #nodeknockout on freenode, email us at [email protected], or tweet @node_knockout.