// __ _
// / _| | |
// | |_ _ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ | |_
// | _| | | | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \| '_ \ / _ \ '_ \| __|
// | | | |_| | | | | |_) | (_) | | | | __/ | | | |_
// |_| \__,_|_| |_| .__/ \___/|_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__|
// | |
/* @jsx funponent */
import funponent from 'funponent';
// Progressively enhance these DOM elements
// In realtime. Loading component mount points via AJAX? No problem.
const selector = '[data-component=hello]';
// The component function. Must be pure, receives (data-* attributes) params
// See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/dataset
const component = dataset => (
Hello {dataset.currentName}
Change name: <input value={dataset.currentName} />
{dataset.hash ? (
location.hash = {dataset.hash}
) : (
<a href={'#put-some-hash-in-this-url'}>
Click to change #hash
// Event map of selector maps, handled by component root element
const events = {
'input': {
// Event delegation, a CSS selector within root
'input[value]': (event, element) => {
element.dataset.currentName = event.target.value;
// Init function. Can supply params via `dataset` (also async)
// React equivalent: componentDidMount
const init = element => {
element.dataset.hash = location.hash;
// Destroy function, called before deleting component
// React equivalent: componentWillUnmount
const destroy = element => {
// some cleanup code here, perhaps `clearInterval`
// Bind all together (events, init and destroy are optional)
funponent({selector, component, events, init, destroy});
<div data-component="hello" data-current-name="world">
<!-- maybe some initial server output.
will be diffed against. -->
<div data-component="hello" data-current-name="another instance">
<div data-component="hello" data-current-name="world">
Hello world
<input value="world" />
<a href="#some-hash-triggered-by-init">
Click to change #hash
<div data-component="hello" data-current-name="another instance">
Hello another instance
<input value="another instance" />
<a href="#some-hash-triggered-by-init">
Click to change #hash
Whenever user types anything ('input' event),
is reflected -
Transition between states performed by morphdom
DOM is the single source of truth. More specifically: components'
attributes -
Nesting funponents is seamless, a component can render mount points for other components
MutationObserver is used to detect state changes
Browser developer tools can be used to inspect current state at any time