is an R package used to simulate and/or fit time-varying
vector autoregressive state space models of community interactions.
Models are fit via Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) using the
Stan software
After installing devtools
(and assuming you have a C++ compiler
installed), you can install the package with
A short vignette for the package is:
vignette("intro_tvvarss", package = "tvvarss")
takes data as an array, with dimensions (site, year, species).
Using multiple sites or multiple species is completely optional, and we
assume 1 measurement per site-year-species combination (for multiple
measurements, these may be created as replicate sites).
Simulated data may be generated with our built in simulation function
, which is demonstrate in the vignette
We allow the (\textbf{B}) matrix in a conventional MAR model to be either static or time varying – time varying models are assumed by default, but may changed to static matrices with the
tvvarss(y, dynamicB = FALSE)
Because the number of elements in (\textbf{B}) may not be
identifiable, we also allow constraints to be passed in, depending on
the food web structure. This is done with the topo
argument, which is
detailed in the package vignette.
We allow process and observation variances to be shared across sites or species. These are set with the arguments is dimensioned (number of species x number of sites), and elements are passed in as integers.
tvvarss(y, shared_q = Q, shared_r = R)
For example, if we had a dataset consiting of 3 sites and 5 species, the default form of these matrices in the function would be a unique variance by species, that was shared across sites, e.g.
m = matrix(0, 5, 3)
for(i in 1:5) m[i,] = i
colnames(m) = paste0("Site ",1:3)
rownames(m) = paste0("Species ", 1:5)
We could change this up, and make variances be unique to each species-site
m = matrix(1:15, 5, 3)
colnames(m) = paste0("Site ",1:3)
rownames(m) = paste0("Species ", 1:5)
Or equal across species - sites
m = matrix(1, 5, 3)
colnames(m) = paste0("Site ",1:3)
rownames(m) = paste0("Species ", 1:5)
In some situations, like the replicate observations described above, we may want to relate sites as measurements of the same underlying state. This can be done with the ‘process’ argument, which maps sites to states.
tvvarss(y = y, process = Z)
By default each site is its own process, so for the 3 site example,
would be
process = 1:3
These could be shared though – if sites 1 and 3 were a different process than site 2, this could be expressed as
process = c(1,2,1)
We’ve implemented a few distribution families that may be useful for modeling non-normal data.
The default family is “gaussian”, but
tvvarss(y = y, family="gaussian")
the family can be any of the following: “gaussian”, “binomial”, “poisson”, “gamma”, “lognormal”. We assumea logit link for modeling the binomial, and a log link for the Gamma, poisson, and lognormal.