Release v11: We jumped a lot of versions
Thank you to everyone who contributed in this release!
We also decided to change our versioning scheme, to keep it as simple as possible.
What's Changed
- Enhancements to bash init script by @dotsam in #445
- Add configurable history length by @ellie in #447
- Batch key handling by @frankh in #448
- Update dependencies by @ellie in #450
- Add Fig as an installation method to the README by @ibayramli in #459
- Kubernetes instructions by @Mellbourn in #427
- Add support for prepending a path to all routes for the server by @morguldir in #484
- Trim whitespace from end of encryption key by @Indy2222 in #496
- Securize Dockerfile by @DucretJe in #506
- Add dockerfile in dependabot scope by @DucretJe in #507
- Bump debian from bullseye-20220801-slim to bullseye-20220822-slim by @dependabot in #508
- Fix atuin crashing on commands that start with -- by @Sciencentistguy in #509
- Add binstall configuration by @michaelmior in #458
- hide errors for #516 by @conradludgate in #518
- Add index for interactive search by @LovecraftianHorror in #493
- better cursor search by @conradludgate in #473
- update default layout by @conradludgate in #523
- custom history list by @conradludgate in #524
- Release v11 by @ellie in #529
New Contributors
- @dotsam made their first contribution in #445
- @ibayramli made their first contribution in #459
- @Mellbourn made their first contribution in #427
- @morguldir made their first contribution in #484
- @Indy2222 made their first contribution in #496
- @DucretJe made their first contribution in #506
- @michaelmior made their first contribution in #458
- @LovecraftianHorror made their first contribution in #493
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v11.0.0