Game of Stakes is Cosmos's incentivized testnet.
Here you will find:
Dec 18th 06:00 UTC is the current target for GoS.
chat here: Riot
We are delaying Game of Stakes launch based on the demands of the validator community to run a 48hr testnet. Chat here: Riot
The genensis file has been released. Keep reading...
If you're a validator who had to submit a "Simulated Event" form to your cloud services provider, you may want to contact the provider with updated dates for the challenge or resubmit your form to ensure that you are in compliace with your provider's terms of service.
You are about to be part of largest experiment in byzantine fault tolernant computer science. Today you an going to help launh the largest Byzantine Fault Tolerant network in history.
This be is the first large scale adversarial BFT network ever.
This will network will be the first demonstration of cartel behavior and censorship in an incentivized network.
We are going to do a decentralized network start. I expect it will take us at least 24 hours. If we don’t start in 24 hours, we will bump the chain id and require new gen-txs. The window to submit a gen-tx will be 2-3 hours if we don't launch.
Doing a decentralized network start of this scale will push Tendermint to it’s limits. I believe it will be possible but every participant is going to have to take enormous care to get their configuration right.
First, triple check your software versions.
gaiad version
Just a note gaia v0.28.1
has been tested to be fully compatible with this chain. You can choose to use the version at launch and we will shorly reccomend all players upgrade.
Next check the timeouts in your config.toml
timeout_propose = "3s"
timeout_propose_delta = "500ms"
timeout_prevote = "1s"
timeout_prevote_delta = "500ms"
timeout_precommit = "1s"
timeout_precommit_delta = "500ms"
timeout_commit = "5s"
Finally, make sure you have the correct genesis.json
shasum -a 256 genesis.json
236d64695be4b27a98be435efbe84fd57601829dfbdda617fde8c010f996cd0f genesis.json
Once you have double checked all this, gaiad unsafe-reset-all
We recommend setting min fees on your sentry nodes via the commandline or gaiad.toml. gaiad start --minimum_fees=1STAKE,1photino
We would also very much appreciate logs being kept on validator nodes via gaiad start --log_level="consensus:debug,mempool:debug,*:info" After you have
gaiad start` do not run a reset all again unless we have decided to switch to a new chain id.
I'll accept seed nodes as pull requests here.
[email protected]:26656