A simple viewer of MADX TFS files using the Qt framework.
To build from source, clone the repository and build it using your usual Qt build tools. The easiest way is probaly getting the Qt SDK from the Qt homepage and follow the installation instruction.
This project is released under Qt's open source rules, so it links dynamically to Qt. In linux this means that the Qt runtime has to be installed. Windows users need to deploy their built binaries first.
Check out my precompiled binaries in the Releases tab on the right.
Currently there are releases for Win10_x64 and Linux x64 (Ubuntu 20.04?). Both should be self contained. Just download the archive and unpack.
Note: Currently this project only supports Qt5 from Qt5.12 onwards. Qt6 is not supported but an upgrade is planned.
[Optional] After successfull installation / build, add the binary's directory to your PATH
(or use any other method to be able to conveniently launch the executable).
The executable can be launched in commandline like this
tfsviewer <PATH_TO_FILE>
which takes as optional argument the path to a TFS file to open. If no path is supplied, it will open an empty session.
The folder icon and File->open
shows an open file dialog
Right to the label Data
there is a search box.
Typing a pattern will filter for this pattern in all String columns of the dataframe.
jumps to the search box.
The search accepts regular expressions.
As an example, the pattern MQ\.\d+[RL]\d
will search for all (de)focusing quadrupoles in LHC.
Plotting uses the great QCustomPlot.
The line plot icon and
Plotting->Line Plot
shows a line plot. For this, the plot data has to be selected first:
- select a whole column: the values are plotted against an integer index
- select more than one column: the values are plotted against the column that has been selected first (multi-select with Ctrl+click)
- everything else will result in the error message: "wrong number of columns selected: 0"
The scatter plot icon and
Plotting->Scatter Plot
does the same but shows a scatter plot (bug: no colors)
Editing! (for now, data can't be edited, added or removed)
saving standard tfs files
creating empty tfs
add more plot colors, make plots editable
save plots to various output formats (png, pdf, latex???)
To comply with Qt's rules, this project is licensed under GPL.