- Download gmp and ntl libraries, unpack to directories "gmp" and "ntl" relative to the root of this repo
wget https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gmp/gmp-6.1.2.tar.bz2
tar xvvjf gmp-6.1.2.tar.bz2
mv gmp-6.1.2 gmp
wget http://www.shoup.net/ntl/ntl-11.3.0.tar.gz
tar xvvzf ntl-11.3.0.tar.gz
mv ntl-11.3.0 ntl
- Run the docker build command to create an image called "idash18linreg", which can be uploaded to Docker Hub:
docker build --rm -t idash18linreg .
docker tag idash18linreg idash18ucsd/helinreg
docker push idash18ucsd/helinreg
- Install the docker software
- on Ubuntu/Debian, do
apt-get install docker
- on Arch Linux, do
pacman -S docker
and thensystemctl start docker.service
- on Mac, the docker software can be downloaded here https://store.docker.com/editions/community/docker-ce-desktop-mac
- Now we can pull the uploaded docker image (on linux we must use
sudo docker ...
but on Mac we can just dodocker ...
with regular user account):
- To pull and run the docker image for linear regression:
sudo docker pull idash18ucsd/helinreg
sudo docker run -it --rm idash18ucsd/helinreg
- To pull and run the docker image for logistic regression:
sudo docker pull idash18ucsd/helogreg
sudo docker run -it --rm idash18ucsd/helogreg
- Then we shall see a command line prompt of the docker environment:
We can run the test program inside the docker environment like this:
root@...:/usr/src/IDASH18/gwas# ./testlinreg idashdata/covariates.txt idashdata/snpMat.txt
We can also run the test program from outside of the docker environment, e.g., in a terminal:
sudo docker run -it --rm \
-v "$PWD"/IDASH18/gwas/idashdata/covariates.txt:/data/covariates.txt \
-v "$PWD"/IDASH18/gwas/idashdata/snpMat.txt:/data/snpMat.txt \
idash18 testlinreg /data/covariates.txt /data/snpMat.txt
The "-v" option mounts a file to a path inside the docker environment.
The test programs "testlinreg" and "testlogreg" are copied to /usr/bin/
so we can call it just as "testlinreg" and "testlogreg".