- This module integrates OAuth authentication with the Razorpay payment gateway for Bagisto, a Laravel-based eCommerce framework. It enables secure and seamless payment processing using Razorpay's API.
- Seamless Razorpay payment gateway integration with OAuth authentication.
- Secure payment processing with token-based authentication.
- Easy setup and configuration within the Bagisto admin panel.
- Supports multiple payment methods, including cards, UPI, and net banking.
- Real-time transaction status updates and logs.
- Bagisto: v2.2.3
- Open app\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken.php and add this route to the exception list:
protected $except = [
- Run these commands below to complete the setup
composer require bagisto/oauth-razorpay-payment-gateway
composer dump-autoload
php artisan oauth-razorpay:install
That's it, now just execute the project on your specified domain.