Procx is a Cross-Platform library that simplifiy working with a proccess, cmd and terminal.
From Nuget
Install-Package Procx -Version 1.0.0
To excute a command line from your C# App
using (var client = new TerminalClient())
string workingDir = @"C:\";
string fileName = "cmd.exe";
string cmd = "/c dir";
string result = await client.ExcuteAndReadOutputAsync(workingDir, fileName, cmd);
To redirect the proccess output
using (var client = new TerminalClient())
client.OnOutput += OnOutput;
await client.ExcuteAsync(@"C:\","ipconfig",null);
private void OnOutput(object sender,string e)
public class TraceWriter : ITraceWriter
public void Info(string output)
private TraceWriter _trace = new TraceWriter();
using (var client = new TerminalClient(_trace))
await client.ExcuteAsync(@"C:\","cmd.exe","/c dir");
This project was built from great work done by