A dystopic text adventure powered by ChatGPT.
Try it here: https://future.attejuvonen.fi
Set up environment variables (e.g. in /.vscode/launch.json)
Run server.js with node v17 (e.g. with VSCode run -> run without debugging)
This repo has been set up to automatically deploy upon pushes to the master branch:
- Fly.io NodeJS backend deployment (which also serves static frontend if needed)
- Netlify static frontend deployment
The domain https://future.attejuvonen.fi is pointing to Netlify frontend, which sends requests to Fly.io NodeJS backend, which sends requests to OpenAI API.
How to rotate multiple secrets at the same time without intermittent deployment:
flyctl secrets -a future-attejuvonen set OPENAI_API_KEY=ssadsdadsa OPENAI_ORGANIZATION=dsdasdsa