NxuThesis 是 Ningxia University Thesis LaTeX Template 的缩写。
此宏包旨在建立一个简单易用的宁夏大学研究生学位论文 LaTeX 模板
NxuThesis is an abbreviation of Ningxia University Thesis LaTeX Template.
This package establishes a simple and easy-to-use LaTeX template for Ningxia dissertations.
- 示例文档(
在开始书写前,建议将 thuthesis-example.tex
- 发布版:
- 仅下载:
- CTAN:可能滞后正式发布少许时间。
- GitHub Releases:最新版的及时发布途径。
- 仅下载:
- 开发版:GitHub
Published versions are recommended. Template example can be found in the archive. At present, these documents are only available in Chinese:
- Template example (
Before you start writing, it is recommended to copy or rename thuthesis-example.tex
to another meaningful name.
- Published versions:
- Download only:
- Developer versions: GitHub