This project is the graduation project of Trendyol Frontend bootcamp. Flexible design is adopted. The game has been made using reusable components, following the principles of clean code. For tests, Jest (Unit) and Cypress (E2E) were used. For automatic deploy, CI/CD was used with Github Actions.
Live: Github Page | Heroku
- React
- ESLint - Prettier - Airbnb
- Styled Components
- React Beautiful Dnd
- Jest
- Testing Library
- Cypress
You can download the project by cloning it from the Github site or by typing the following command:
git clone
In the project directory you can run the following lines:
npm install
npm start
To run unit tests you can run the following lines:
npm run test:coverage
To run E2E tests you can run the following lines:
npm run cypress:open
- The goal of the game is to complete 8 decks of cards and not leave any cards on the board.
- The cards should be sorted from left to right as in the example (contrary to the real rules): [A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K]
- If there are no more moves to be played, the card must be dealt.
- If there is an empty column, no cards can be dealt.
- You can click on the green box to get suggestions.
- If all the cards are dealt and there are no more moves to be played, the new game can be started.
Distributed under the Creative Commons Zero. See LICENSE
for more information.