feat: adding concurrency functionality #562
GitHub Actions / Test Results (18.x
Jan 29, 2025 in 1s
115 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✅ test-results.json
115 tests were completed in 348ms with 115 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
test/tests/consumer.test.ts | 115✅ | 135ms |
✅ test/tests/consumer.test.ts
Consumer .create
✅ creates a new instance of a Consumer object
Consumer .start
✅ ack all messages if handleMessageBatch returns void
✅ ack only returned messages if handleMessagesBatch returns an array
✅ ack the message if handleMessage returns a message with the same ID
✅ ack the message if handleMessage returns void
✅ calls deleteMessageBatch if alwaysAcknowledge is `true` and handleMessagesBatch returns an empty array
✅ calls the handleMessage function when a message is received
✅ calls the handleMessagesBatch function when a batch of messages is received
✅ calls the preReceiveMessageCallback and postReceiveMessageCallback function before receiving a message
✅ changes message visibility timeout on processing error
✅ consumes another message once one is processed
✅ consumes messages with message attribute 'ApproximateReceiveCount'
✅ consumes multiple messages when the batchSize is greater than 1
✅ deletes the message if alwaysAcknowledge is `true` and handleMessage returns an empty object
✅ deletes the message when the handleMessage function is called
✅ does not ack the message if handleMessage returns a different ID
✅ does not ack the message if handleMessage returns an empty object
✅ does not call deleteMessageBatch if handleMessagesBatch returns an empty array
✅ does not delete the message if shouldDeleteMessages is false
✅ does not include the response and metadata in the error when extendedAWSErrors is false
✅ does not terminate visibility timeout when `terminateVisibilityTimeout` option is false
✅ doesn't consume more messages when called multiple times
✅ doesn't consume more messages when called multiple times after stopped
✅ doesn't delete the message when a processing error is reported
✅ emit error when changing visibility timeout fails
✅ emit error when changing visibility timeout fails for batch handler functions
✅ fires a `processing_error` event when a non-`SQSError` error occurs processing a message
✅ fires a message_processed event when a message is successfully deleted
✅ fires a message_received event when a message is received
✅ fires a timeout event if handler function takes too long
✅ fires an `error` event when an `SQSError` occurs processing a message
✅ fires an emptyQueue event when all messages have been consumed
✅ fires an error event when an error occurs deleting a message
✅ fires an error event when an error occurs receiving a message
✅ fires an event when the consumer is started
✅ fires error event when failed to terminate visibility timeout on processing error
✅ fires response_processed event for each batch
✅ handles non-standard exceptions thrown by the handler batch function
✅ handles non-standard exceptions thrown by the handler function
✅ handles non-standard objects thrown by the handler batch function
✅ handles non-standard objects thrown by the handler function
✅ handles unexpected exceptions thrown by the handler batch function
✅ handles unexpected exceptions thrown by the handler function
✅ includes messageIds in batch processing errors
✅ includes messageIds in timeout errors
✅ includes queueUrl and messageIds in batch SQS errors
✅ includes queueUrl and messageIds in SQS errors when changing visibility timeout
✅ includes queueUrl and messageIds in SQS errors when deleting message
✅ includes the response and metadata in the error when "extendedAWSErrors" is true
✅ passes in the correct visibility timeout for long running batch handler functions
✅ prefers handleMessagesBatch over handleMessage when both are set
✅ retains sqs error information
✅ terminates message visibility timeout on processing error
✅ terminates message visibility timeout with a function to calculate timeout on processing error
✅ uses the correct abort signal
✅ uses the correct visibility timeout for long running handler functions
✅ waits before repolling when a 403 error occurs
✅ waits before repolling when a credentials error occurs
✅ waits before repolling when a CredentialsProviderError error occurs
✅ waits before repolling when a InvalidAddress error occurs
✅ waits before repolling when a InvalidSecurity error occurs
✅ waits before repolling when a NonExistentQueue error occurs
✅ waits before repolling when a polling timeout is set
✅ waits before repolling when a QueueDoesNotExist error occurs
✅ waits before repolling when a RequestThrottled error occurs
✅ waits before repolling when a RequestThrottled error occurs
✅ waits before repolling when a UnknownEndpoint error occurs
Consumer .start concurrency
✅ bypasses concurrency limits in batch mode
✅ completes in-flight messages when stopping
✅ handles dynamic concurrency updates
✅ processes messages respecting the concurrency limit
✅ reports concurrency changes when updating limit
✅ reports concurrency slot usage
✅ uses the configured concurrencyWaitTimeMs when waiting for slots
✅ uses updated concurrencyWaitTimeMs value after runtime update
Consumer .stop
✅ aborts requests when the abort param is true
✅ clears the polling timeout when stopped
✅ fires a stopped event a second time if started and stopped twice
✅ fires a stopped event only once when stopped multiple times
✅ stops the consumer polling for messages
✅ waits for in-flight messages before emitting stopped (timeout reached)
✅ waits for in-flight messages before emitting stopped (within timeout)
Consumer event listeners
✅ fires the event multiple times
✅ fires the events only once
Consumer events
✅ includes queueUrl in emitted events
✅ logs a debug event when an event is emitted
Consumer options validation
✅ allows concurrency to be equal to batchSize
✅ allows concurrency to be greater than batchSize
✅ allows concurrencyWaitTimeMs to be zero
✅ requires a handleMessage or handleMessagesBatch function to be set
✅ requires concurrency to be a positive integer
✅ requires concurrency to be greater than or equal to batchSize
✅ requires concurrencyWaitTimeMs to be a non-negative integer
✅ requires heartbeatInterval to be less than visibilityTimeout
✅ requires the batchSize option to be greater than 0
✅ requires the batchSize option to be no greater than 10
✅ requires visibilityTimeout to be set with heartbeatInterval
Consumer status
✅ returns false for `isRunning` if the consumer has been stopped
✅ returns the defaults before the consumer is started
✅ returns true for `isPolling` if the consumer is polling for messages
✅ returns true for `isRunning` if the consumer has not been stopped
Consumer updateOption
✅ does not update the batchSize if the value is less than 0
✅ does not update the batchSize if the value is less than 1
✅ does not update the batchSize if the value is more than 10
✅ does not update the batchSize if the value is more than 20
✅ does not update the concurrencyWaitTimeMs if the value is negative
✅ does not update the concurrencyWaitTimeMs if the value is not an integer
✅ does not update the pollingWaitTimeMs if the value is less than 0
✅ does not update the visibilityTimeout if the value is less than the heartbeatInterval
✅ throws an error for an unknown option
✅ updates the batchSize option and emits an event
✅ updates the concurrencyWaitTimeMs option and emits an event
✅ updates the pollingWaitTimeMs option and emits an event
✅ updates the visibilityTimeout option and emits an event
✅ updates the waitTimeSeconds option and emits an event