The rest API for the scheduler project ##INSTALLATION GUIDE
- Fork repo as personal repo
- Clone the fork to local repository
- run
npm install
##Run Project
Note: Have an instance of mongo db running
Run the server.js file by using node server.js
##Recomended tools
- Mongo DB Compass: Nice GUI application for managing Mongo
- Postman Great tool for API Testing
##Current API Methods
###Schedule routes
This route allows a user to add availability(Post Method)
Request Header: Authorization : JWT (Token) as the value
Request Body:(Add one shift at a time)
"day": 5,
"hrs": 11,
"mins": 30
"hrs": 14,
"mins": 30
Response body: (On success Days as objects wit Array of shifts) Hrs: 11, mins: 30 means 11:30 and a 24 hr format
"success": true,
"msg": "Availability added"
(This route responds with all tem shifts set by user).
Request Header: Authorization : JWT (Token) as the value
Response body:(Empty Array means user had no shifts on that day)
"sunday": [],
"monday": [
"start": {
"hrs": 11,
"mins": 30
"end": {
"hrs": 11,
"mins": 30
"day": 2
"start": {
"hrs": 11,
"mins": 30
"end": {
"hrs": 11,
"mins": 30
"day": 2
"start": {
"mins": 30,
"hrs": 11
"end": {
"mins": 30,
"hrs": 11
"day": 2
"start": {
"hrs": 11,
"mins": 30
"end": {
"hrs": 11,
"mins": 30
"day": 2
"tuesday": [],
"wednesday": [],
"thursday": [
"start": {
"mins": 30,
"hrs": 11
"end": {
"mins": 30,
"hrs": 11
"day": 5
"start": {
"hrs": 11,
"mins": 30
"end": {
"hrs": 11,
"mins": 30
"day": 5
"friday": [],
"saturday": []
###Get requests
just displays a message that API is working
This returns a json object of members info
Request Header: Authorization : JWT (Token) as the value
"success": true,
"msg": "Welcome in the member area Ken",
"firstName": "Ken",
"lastName": "Bone",
"email": "[email protected]"
###Post Requests
1 http://localhost:8080/api/signup
This method creates new user.
Request Body Example (Required Values)
firstName: 'Ken',
lastName: 'Bone',
password: 'pass',
email: '[email protected]'
Response Example (On success)
"success": true,
"msg": "Successful created new user."
2 http://localhost:8080/api/authenticate
This method authenticates a user and returns a token
Request Headers(Required)
email: '[email protected]'
passord: `pass`
Request Response (On success) Note: Token is usually longer
"success": true,
"token": "JWT eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJf"
##Todo There are many things in the backlog
- Figure out Efficient modeling for Calendar & shifts.
- Add CRUD methods for shifts