Releases: bcgov/pay-ui
Releases · bcgov/pay-ui
What's Changed
- Rebuild library mode so the newest version works in AUTH-WEB by @seeker25 in #218
- 19755 - FAS-UI - update view to include refund_amount by @Jxio in #219
- 19755 - Add remainingAmount as refundAmount to Refund RS when refund amount is 0 by @Jxio in #220
- 19470 - Fix service worker + version number about by @seeker25 in #221
Full Changelog: v1.2.3...v1.2.7
What's Changed
- 18311 - FAS-UI removing NSF from Manual Transactions by @AbrahamRostampoor in #190
- 18487 - Upgrade Vite/Vitest by @Jxio in #191
- 18487_2 - Fix github CD issue after vite upgrade by @Jxio in #194
- 18486 - Pinia Setup by @Jxio in #195
- 17597- Node 20.5.1 upgrade by @seeker25 in #196
- Bump vite from 4.5.0 to 4.5.2 by @dependabot in #205
- Bump eventsource from 1.1.0 to 1.1.2 by @dependabot in #206
- 19222 - FAS - update view to include cheque advise details by @Jxio in #217
New Contributors
- @AbrahamRostampoor made their first contribution in #190
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #205
Full Changelog: v1.1.4...v1.2.3
What's Changed
- 14618 - Routing Slip Corrections UI by @Jxio in #171
- 14618 - edit routing slip button styling by @Jxio in #172
- Remove most of VUEX from FAS by @seeker25 in #173
- Update the minor version. by @seeker25 in #175
- 14618 - make receipt number non-editable for cash routing slip correction by @Jxio in #174
- 14618 - add hasChequeNumberChanged to exclude when it doesn’t change by @Jxio in #176
- Add in conditional ? when looking at certain values. by @seeker25 in #177
- Move routingSlipBefore edit outside of usePaymentInformation, put in … by @seeker25 in #178
- Cheque number change by @seeker25 in #179
- Fix for autocomplete for filing types & restrict correction to ACTIVE, COMPLETED, CORRECTION state by @seeker25 in #180
- Reload routing slip status, regardless if it's correction. by @seeker25 in #181
- 15521 - Fix for autocomplete part2. by @seeker25 in #182
- 15498 convert configmap/keycloak to .env by @pwei1018 in #183
- Build library by @seeker25 in #184
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.6...v1.1.1
What's Changed
- Feature/12854 by @shabeeb-aot in #158
- Feature/12854 1 by @shabeeb-aot in #160
- converted dates to PST, updated clear filter btn, updated placeholder by @MatthewCai2002 in #161
- Update by @seeker25 in #156
- 14356 - Fix cheque date. Revert previous changes. Put in split for DateTime. by @seeker25 in #163
- Update CI. by @seeker25 in #164
- 11314 & 11167 - Changes for VOID routing slip. by @seeker25 in #165
- 11314 - Small styling fix + hide void, when the user doesn't have the role. by @seeker25 in #166
- Change question to exclaim. by @seeker25 in #167
New Contributors
- @MatthewCai2002 made their first contribution in #161
Full Changelog: v1.0.5...v1.0.6
Minor changes
What's Changed
- Update ci.yml by @seeker25 in #151
- 12155 - Move @ click for Status Menu to parent element. by @seeker25 in #152
Full Changelog: v1.0.3...v1.0.4
Minor changes - Node Upgrade
What's Changed
- 12050 - FAS - Ensure 2 decimal places when displaying amounts and on amount inputs by @seeker25 in #149
- 11885 - Upgrade Node to 16. by @seeker25 in #150
Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.0.3