An auto-slimming, shared user, optional invite-only, registration, login and recovery - profile database - self-writer network
npm i "github:benzmuircroft/userbase"
;(async function() {
const Keychain = (await import('keypear')).default; //
const b4a = require('b4a');
const userbase = await require('userbase')({
folderName: 'folderName',
testFolder: 'user1' // only needed if testing multiple instances in the same script
// initiate root
await userbase.register('root', 'root');
const kpAlice = new Keychain({
scalar: b4a.from('684e14316d8f379829ee5d1b883dffd2cf123f2987b8658353ae740ed8758565', 'hex'),
publicKey: b4a.from('09f9cb2e6097bab4936696c7fb2e80c52ecc7e7a0dfe67274d93198e785c1558', 'hex')
let user1 = {
reffereeUserName: 'root',
referralUserName: 'alice',
referralpublicKey: kpAlice
let success = await userbase.register(user1.reffereeUserName, user1.referralUserName, user1.referralpublicKey);
console.log(success); // bool (the reffereeUserName must first exist and the referralUserName must not exist);
const kpBob = new Keychain({
scalar: b4a.from('b0cf93c3f3589ea5e7a09b752e7b6492e6e331661da8fe88854d692aec59114f', 'hex'),
publicKey: b4a.from('4cce6d17f4000b19b9f752fb7c185a56cff16d86f0cda8673e5ab6baed9e7171', 'hex')
let user2 = {
reffereeUserName: 'alice',
referralUserName: 'bob',
referralpublicKey: kpBob
let success = await userbase.register(user1.reffereeUserName, user1.referralUserName, user1.referralpublicKey);
console.log(success); // bool (the reffereeUserName must first exist and the referralUserName must not exist);
console.log(await userbase.lookup('alice')); // should return a publicKey
// handle errors
let success = await userbase.register('noneExitsUser', user1.referralUserName, user1.referralpublicKey); // false
let success = await userbase.register(user1.reffereeUserName, 'bob', user1.referralpublicKey); // username bob already exists
console.log(await userbase.lookup('noneExitsUser')); // null
- document switching user roles (it is ether this module or another that lets you write to cores with a role)