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Docker FTPS

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Comes with vsftpd installed and running in passive mode, with TLS support (self-signed certificates).

WinSCP config (for example):

// do not choose SFTP, this is a completely different protocol
Protocol: FTP

// i.e. not 'plain' or 'implicit'
Encryption: TLS/SSL Explicit encryption

// choose either the IP or URI defined in docker-compose.yml

// you need to open ports 990 and 18700-18710 as well - the
// connection begins on port 21 and is escalated to the others
Port: 21

// defined in docker-compose.yml

// defined in docker-compose.yml



  • 21
  • 990
  • 18700-18710


Volume Purpose
/files Contains the files that can be accessed / written.
/ssl Stores (self-signed) SSL certificates - if you symlink a PEM file called server.pem here with a valid SSL certificate, vsftpd will use it instead.

Environment Variables

Variable Values Description Default
BF_FTPS_EXTERNAL_IP string The external IP of the server - required for passive mode (unless BF_FTPS_EXTERNAL_URI is set). None - required unless BF_FTPS_EXTERNAL_URI is set
BF_FTPS_EXTERNAL_URI string The URI of the server - required for passive mode (unless BF_FTPS_EXTERNAL_IP is set).
If both are set this takes precedence.
None - required unless BF_FTPS_EXTERNAL_IP is set
BF_FTPS_SSL_BITS string The number of bits to use for the self-signed SSL certificate. 4096
BF_FTPS_VSFTPD_MIN_PORT number The minimum port number to use for data transfer for VSFTPD. 18700
BF_FTPS_VSFTPD_MAX_PORT number The maximum port number to use for data transfer for VSFTPD. 18710
BF_FTPS_VSFTPD_USER string A user account will be created for connecting to the server. None - required
BF_FTPS_VSFTPD_PASS string The password to use for connecting to the server. None - required
BF_FTPS_VSFTPD_UID string User ID with access rights to the /files directory. 1000
BF_FTPS_VSFTPD_ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG 0 or 1 Whether or not to enable all FTP commands and responses for vsftpd. 0
BF_FTPS_VSFTPD_WELCOME string Welcome message when people sign in to the server. "Welcome to the FTPS server."




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