This API proxy demonstrates message logging to ELK (Elastic, Logstash, Kibana) stack.
Those eager to see this in action - Jump directly to How to use It
Apigee supports message logging to external systems like Loggly etc; Though sending logs to Loggly is much-much simpler, it took me quite some time and efforts to send logs, specially JSON to ELK stack, the policy configuration of this apiproxy at Apigee Edge side is much easy, however parsing the logs in JSON format was the difficult task.
The objective of creating this repository to help Apigee developers to QuickStart with logging with ELK stack.
Installation and configuration ELK stack.
- Having said that, you are free to setup and install ELK stack to check and validate this setup locally.
- For demo purpose I followed this link - installed on my local Mac.
- If you install and test ELK on your local, you will have to make Logstash IP publicly available so Apigee edge can connect and send the message; You can use
to publish locally installed Logstash to public IP/port, which is a great tool! - Install
and tunnel your localhost to make it public accessible URL; I use below command to tunnel localhost, where5044
is my local Logstash port.
./ngrok tcp 5044 --region eu
- while running above command
will display a public HOST, similar to below;
... Forwarding tcp:// -> localhost:5044 ...
- As an example;
- Use as
in setMessageLogging.xml - Use 17063 as
in setMessageLogging.xml
- Use as
- DO NOT FORGET to add Logstash configuration file to Logstash to ensure correct parsing of the JSON coming from Apigee edge.
- Apigee edge account
- Logstash IP and Port. -- Make sure, there's connectivity between Apigee Edge and Logstash IP/Port.
- Most important one, use Logstash configuration attached to this repo for parsing the log properly of you wish to have JSON parsed properly.
- postman (to run postman collection)
- NodeJS (for newman and apigeetool)
- newman (node JS module to execute tests on local machine)
- apigeetool (deploying this proxy to Apigee edge)
You can use either of the option mentioned below;
You can deploy this API proxy by calling this command.
apigeetool deployproxy -u {apigee_edge_account_email} -o {apigee_edge_org_name} -e {environment_name} -n {proxy_name} -d . --verbose --debug
apigeetool deployproxy -u [email protected] -o abccorp-nonprod -e test -n hello-world-elk-logging -d . --verbose --debug
For more information about apigeetool
read here -
- Create a bundle zip file with below command;
zip -r apiproxy
- Upload it to apigee edge using proxy creation wizard. Make sure it is deployed before testing.
Once the API proxy is deployed, go to the message logging policy (setMessageLogging.xml) and add Logstash IP and Port as described in below code -
Set the proxy_endpoint
in tests/test.postman_environment.json file before executing the command below.
You can test this API proxy by calling this command.
newman run "tests/apiproxy.postman_collection.json" -e "tests/test.postman_environment.json"
- IMHO, attached message logging policy - setMessageLogging.xml captures almost all necessary variables, please add/remove wherver necessary. Just make sure that JSON that you out is with whitespace removed to properly parse JSON at logstash side. I use to format JSON, validate JSON and remove white space.
- Use index with name
when creating index using Kibana dashboard.