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Template Oracle Database for Zabbix

This software is MIT-licensed (

Setup Zabbix server

To import the template in Zabbix navigate to Configuration -> Templates and press Import button, find the file zbx_export_templates.xml and import. Select your Oracle host and click Templates, then link to the template and press Update. You will need to "discover" your Oracle instance with Zabbix to start collecting data from your Oracle host. Default discovery period for the template is 86400 (1 day). To make it faster navigate to your host and select Discovery rules -> Template Oracle Database: Discover Oracle Instances, and set Update interval (in sec) to 60 (one minute). As a result of the discovery process items, triggers, and graphs will be added to your Oracle host.

Setup Oracle host

oracle.js program is used to communicate with Oracle database and report to Zabbix server. Put it into /opt/zabbix/ folder and make executable by user oracle. It has the following command-line arguments:

    'discover':    {key: 'd', description: 'Print Oracle instance SID(s)'},
    'tablespaces': {key: 't', description: 'Check tablespaces and report status to Zabbix server'},
    'backups':     {key: 'b', description: 'Check Oracle backups and report to Zabbix server'},
    'statistics':  {key: 's', description: 'Get Oracle statistics and report to Zabbix server'},
    'jobs':        {key: 'j', description: 'Check Oracle jobs and report to Zabbix server'},
    'print':       {key: 'p', description: 'Print to stdout rather than send to Zabbix server'}

oracle.js was tested with Oracle Linux 6, but will most likely work with other Linux distributions that have BASH as a default command-line interpreter. oracle.js relies upon execSync, which requires nodejs version 0.12 or later. EPEL yum repository contains nodejs version 0.10, so you will have to download the distribution from and install manually. oracle.js assumes that nodejs runtime is /opt/node/bin/node. Nodejs installation is quite simple: just download and unpack.

oracle.js also uses stdio module to parse command-line arguments. To install stdio run:

sudo /opt/node/bin/npm install stdio

You will need Zabbix agent to communicate with your Zabbix server. To install run the command:

sudo yum install zabbix-agent zabbix-sender

To configure oracle.js for your environment you will have to make some changes to oracle.js:

const PROPS={
    zabbix: {
      "server": "your-zabbix-server-address",
      "client": "your-oracle-host-name",
    oracle: {
      "nls_lang":    "AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252",
      "oracle_home": "/u00/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1"

Change server attribute to your Zabbix server address (domain or IP); change client to the name of your Oracle host as known by the Zabbix server. Change nls_lang to match your operating system settings, and oracle_home to your Oracle home directory.

You will also need to configure your databases' SIDs and tablespace free space requirements.

const TABSP={
  "orcl": {
      "USERS":  1000,
      "SYSAUX": 1000,
      "SYSTEM": 1000

Change orcl to your SID and change free space treshold from 1000 MB to whatever is best for your environment. Run the following commands to check if it is working:

/opt/zabbix/oracle.js -d
/opt/zabbix/oracle.js -p -s
/opt/zabbix/oracle.js -p -j
/opt/zabbix/oracle.js -p -t
/opt/zabbix/oracle.js -p -b

After you have tested your setup, add the following line to the end of /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf file:,/opt/zabbix/oracle.js -d

Add the following to user oracle crontab:

*/10 * * * *   flock -w 0 /home/oracle/lock/oracle-zabbix-01 -c "/opt/zabbix/oracle.js -b"
* * * * *      flock -w 0 /home/oracle/lock/oracle-zabbix-02 -c "/opt/zabbix/oracle.js -s"
40 * * * *     flock -w 0 /home/oracle/lock/oracle-zabbix-03 -c "/opt/zabbix/oracle.js -t"
*/10 * * * *   flock -w 0 /home/oracle/lock/oracle-zabbix-04 -c "/opt/zabbix/oracle.js -j"


Template Oracle Database for Zabbix






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