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This app is designed to subscribe to the Orbit B-Hyve API and broadcast the messages out over MQTT topics. It also supports sending commands to control your B-Hyve devices through MQTT.


  • Connects to the Orbit B-Hyve API
  • Publishes device status and details to MQTT topics
  • Controls sprinkler zones via MQTT commands
  • Supports turning zones on/off
  • Automatically reconnects when connections are lost


  • Node.js v16 or higher
  • MQTT broker (like Mosquitto, HiveMQ, etc.)
  • Orbit B-Hyve account and devices


git clone
cd bhyve-mqtt
cp .env-sample .env
# Edit .env with your credentials
npm install
npm start

Note: The project structure has been updated. The application code is now in the /src directory instead of /app directory, following standard Node.js project layout.

Docker Usage

Pre-built images are available on both Docker Hub and GitHub Container Registry:

Supported Platforms

The Docker images are built for multiple architectures, supporting:

  • linux/amd64: Windows, Intel Macs, standard Linux servers
  • linux/arm64: Apple Silicon Macs, Raspberry Pi 4 (64-bit OS)
  • linux/arm/v7: Raspberry Pi 3 and 4 (32-bit OS)
  • linux/arm/v6: Older Raspberry Pi models (Pi Zero, Pi 1)

Docker will automatically pull the correct image for your platform when you run:

# From Docker Hub
docker pull billchurch/bhyve-mqtt:latest

# From GitHub Container Registry
docker pull

Version tags follow semantic versioning (e.g., 1.2.3, 1.2, 1).

Building Locally

If you prefer to build the image yourself:

# Build the image
docker build -t bhyve-mqtt .

# Run with your environment file
docker run --env-file myenvfile bhyve-mqtt

Environment Configuration

key description
ORBIT_EMAIL Your Orbit B-Hyve account email
ORBIT_PASSWORD Your Orbit B-Hyve account password
MQTT_BROKER_ADDRESS MQTT broker URL (eg. mqtt://localhost:1883)
MQTT_USER MQTT broker username (if required)
MQTT_PASSWORD MQTT broker password (if required)
MAX_RETRIES (Optional) Maximum connection retry attempts (default: 10)
RECONNECT_PERIOD (Optional) Milliseconds between reconnection attempts (default: 5000)

MQTT Schema

Status Topics (published by bhyve-mqtt)

  • bhyve/online - string - true when service is connected, false when disconnected (sent as LWT)

  • bhyve/alive - string - Timestamp of last successful API connection

  • bhyve/devices - json - Array of device IDs

  • bhyve/device/{deviceID}/details - json - Complete device information RETAINED

  • bhyve/device/{deviceID}/status - json - Current watering status

  • bhyve/device/{deviceID}/zone/{num} - json - Zone configuration and status

  • bhyve/device/{deviceID}/message - json - Events from the API for specific device

  • bhyve/message - json - General events from the API

Command Topics (send to these topics)

  • bhyve/device/{deviceID}/zone/{num}/set - json - Control a specific zone:

    { "state": "ON", "time": 5 }  // Turn on for 5 minutes
    { "state": "OFF" }  // Turn off
  • bhyve/device/refresh - any - Request refresh of all device data

  • bhyve/device/{deviceID}/refresh - any - Request refresh for specific device


The project includes several test scripts to verify functionality:

  • test-api.js - Tests the bhyve-api connection only
  • test-mqtt.js - Tests MQTT connectivity only
  • test-integration.js - Full end-to-end integration test

To run tests:

npm run test

Uses bhyve-api

This project now uses the bhyve-api npm module, which is a separate project that handles the core Orbit B-Hyve API communication.

Docker Setup

This project includes a production-ready Dockerfile that implements security best practices and optimized image size through multi-stage builds.

Building the Docker Image

Build the image with:

docker build -t bhyve-mqtt .

You can tag the image with a version:

docker build -t bhyve-mqtt:1.0 .

Running the Container

The simplest way to run the container is using an environment file:

# Create your environment file
cp .env-sample .env
# Edit .env with your credentials
nano .env

# Run with environment variables from file
docker run -d --name bhyve-mqtt --env-file .env bhyve-mqtt

Alternatively, specify environment variables directly:

docker run -d --name bhyve-mqtt \
  -e [email protected] \
  -e ORBIT_PASSWORD=your-password \
  -e MQTT_BROKER_ADDRESS=mqtt://your-broker:1883 \
  -e MQTT_USER=your-mqtt-user \
  -e MQTT_PASSWORD=your-mqtt-password \

Container Management

View logs:

docker logs bhyve-mqtt

Follow logs in real-time:

docker logs -f bhyve-mqtt

Stop the container:

docker stop bhyve-mqtt

Restart the container:

docker restart bhyve-mqtt

Remove the container:

docker rm -f bhyve-mqtt

Docker Compose

For easier management, you can use Docker Compose. Create a docker-compose.yml file:

version: '3'

    image: bhyve-mqtt:latest
    container_name: bhyve-mqtt
    restart: unless-stopped
      - .env

Then run:

docker-compose up -d