The app is still largely in development and prototype form, and some functions may not work, many of the datasets are yet to be finalized, etc. The app and it's underlying data should not be used for any analysis or decision making in it's current state.
The app is broken into 3 main sections:
- A baseline explorer which allows the user to calculate and view a vulnerability index for the countries or regions selected, or for the whole of the Adaptation Atlas countries. This part of the app also shows summary stats for each admin region and allows the user to explore the individual dimensions of the vulnerabiltiy index.
- A future scenario explorer which does everything mentioned in the baseline explorer but also allows the user to select different projection years and SSPs.
- A Hazard-Vulnerability intersection map tool which allows the users to select a climate hazard and the vulnerabilty index (or it's underlying data) to highlight areas of high climate hazard with a high vulnerability.