Releases: bldevries/curvedpy
Pre-release version 0.0.4a0
Curvedpy releas v0.0.3
Most updates are speed related. Refactoring code gave a speed-up of over 70%. Nice! I also implemented a camera object and it uses multiprocessing to run in parallel, also giving a big speed-up. Also the code has been cleaned and restructured.
Curvedpy releas v0.0.2
Most updates are speed related. Refactoring code gave a speed-up of over 70%. Nice! I also implemented a camera object and it uses multiprocessing to run in parallel, also giving a big speed-up. Also the code has been cleaned and restructured.
Curvedpy's first release - v0.0.1
First release of curvedpy. The geodesic integrator is implemented for the Schwarzschild metric. Functions for conversion between Cartesian and spherical coordinates are implemented. Basic automated tests are implemented to check the physics. It can be installed through pip using: pip install curvedpy.