A python scripts that scans a folder, archives/compress the contents into a single file and uploads that file to Storj DCS (Decentralized Cloud Storage).
- Linux (Ubuntu). This script was tested in Windows using WSL (Windows subsystem for Linux under the Ubuntu Distribution).
- Storage DCS account with Storj with uplink installed for ARM.
- In a directory of your choosing, place this script inside and create a folder named 'tobackup'.
- Place any files to be backed up into the 'tobackup' folder.
- To Back Up:
python3 storj_backup.py backup
(contents of 'tobackup' folder will be backed up) - To Restore:
python3 storj_backup.py restore
(backed up data will be placed in 'recovered_files' folder) - Show Storj Usage:
python3 storj_backup.py usage
Backup Note: If the script is called without an argument, it defeault to backing up the contents in the folder.
Recover Note: If the script is called to recover with the -f
flag, the recover will be forced bypassing the confirmation prompt which states "
the 'recovered_files' dir will be overwritten (if it exists)".
** Example: python3 storj_backup recover -f
Demo Clip: https://link.us1.storjshare.io/s/jx75z6kucbtre7h2e7wkdboode6a/clips/Storj_cli_backup_demo.mp4