The purpose of creating the MechaPoet project is twofold:
- To use a publicly available poetry-generating framework generate rough drafts of poems based on either my own work or combinations of my work and other public domain texts.
- To create a means of providing myself with prompts for writing on a daily basis. Or as often is I feel like.
This project relies heavily on the poem-gen project, a pretty cool poem generator created for NaNoGenMo 2014 by Camden Segal. It uses large source texts from Project Gutenberg to make poems.
To find out more about poem-gen, check out
This project requires access to several API's:
- GrammarBot
- A Microsoft Azure storaIge account
You will need credentials for each of these.
Here are the dependencies for node JS frameworks (you can also see them in the package.json file:
- @azure/storage-blob >=12.0.0
- azure-storage >=2.10.3
- body-parser >=1.19.0
- canvas >=2.7.0
- dotenv >=8.2.0
- express >=4.17.1
- grammarbot >=1.0.3
- needle >=2.6.0
- poem-gen >=0.3.0
- post-image-to-twitter >=1.0.1
- pug >=3.0.2
- pug-bootstrap >=0.0.16
- text2png >=2.3.0
- twit >=2.2.11
I built a NodeJS express web site that does the following:
Generates a poem via HTTP GET request (ex:
- Calls poem-gen to create a poem based on a word map derived from a custom collection of texts.
- Saves the poem to a Microsoft Azure cloud storage account
- Converts the text to an image
- Uploads the image to a Twitter account.
To generate a poem on a scheduled basis, use either a local CRON job, Microsoft Azure Logic App, IFTTT, or similar scheduling tool to kick off the request.
Display a daily prompt page (ex:
- Pull a poem from the Twitter account
- Retrieve the poem from Microsoft Azure cloud storage
- The poem, unaltered, will be displayed on the prompt page.
- Run the poem through the GrammarBot API
- The suggested text for the poem will be displayed in a text area on the prompt page
- Retrieve a writing prompt from Twitter (I'm using MajesticPrompts)
- Display picture from the writing prompt on the prompt page.
The prompt page will display one poem a day, one prompt a day. You'll be able to edit the text area, run grammar checks, and save the new poem to cloud storage. To pull up a previous day, use (ex:
PLEASE NOTE, you must rename ".RENAME_to_env" to ".env" and update the environment variables before testing.