The course covers a number of themes and practical problems that combine computer aided data management, data analysis, financial issues and their applications in a data based financial environment.
- Add the following fields for market data retrieval:
Daily Volume
High Price
Low Price
- Change the startDate to 1st day of the year and endDate to today.
- Write the historical data you collect into a file instead of on screen
- Retrieve Ask side of real-time quotes: ask price and ask size of each quote.
- Write the real-time data you collect into a file in addition to what shown on screen.
Develop a C++ (or Python) program to handle large dataset SPY_May_2012.csv
(~2G) for the following tasks:
- Use only the trade quantities and their corresponding prices. We will not consider any quote.
- For intraday day, we combine trading quantities into each 15min interval according to the timestamp of each trade.
- For the quantity of each 15 min interval, we sum up corresponding quantity for each trading day from 5/1/12 to 5/20/12, and then calculate the average for each time interval by dividing the sum by the number of trading days.
- For the execution prices, we use the trading prices on 5/21/12. We assume the price of 1st trade in each time interval as the execution price for the entire interval.
- We only consider the trades occurred between 9:30am to 4:00pm.
- Save your results in
Python version solution using pandas is also added, which is much faster than C++ version solution. Neater way to handle CSV file in C++ should be used. The outputs is shown as follows:
Complete MarketDataDB database according to the details on slides for our class topic BLPAPI-RDB and populate your DailyData table for stocks: GOOG
and TWTR
from 1/1/2018 to 12/31/2018.
Create a relationaol database in Microsoft Access
for market data and retrieve daily and intraday data from BLP API
to poplulate the data tables as follows:
- Stocks - contains stock inform
- Daily Data - contains stock daily data inform
- Intraday Data - conatains stock intraday data inform
- TradeTime (PK), BidPrice, BitQty, AskPrice, AskQty, TradePrice
The Entity-Relationship Diagram
is shown as follows
Modify MapReduce.cpp
for processing the attached news file, 4727.txt
with file partial display:
to create the word count as shown in output.txt
with file partial display:
- Create Virtual Machine for Hornworks Sandbox in Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform.
- Load raw data
file into Hadoop File System. - Create tables
in the default database.
create external table price_data
(stock_exchange string, symbol string, trade_date string, open float,
high float, low float, close float, volume int, adj_close float)
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile location '/user/hue/stocks/stocks/prices';
create external table dividends_data
(stock_exchange string, symbol string, trade_date string, dividend float)
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile location '/user/hue/stocks/stocks/dividends';
create table yearly_aggregates
(symbol string, year string, high float, low float,
average_close float, total_dividends float)
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile location '/user/hue/stocks/stocks/stock_aggregates';
- Populate Table
and verify
insert overwrite table yearly_aggregates
select a.symbol, year(a.trade_date), max(a.high), min(a.low), avg(a.close), sum(b.dividend)
from price_data a
left outer join dividends_data b
on (a.symbol = b.symbol and a.trade_date = b.trade_date)
group by a.symbol, year(a.trade_date);
select * from yearly_aggregates where symbol = 'IBM';
Connect HDP VM with a Python program via ODBC
Connect my Python program to Hortonworks database in Azure to pull
IBM yearly dividend
import pyodbc
pyodbc.autocommit = True
conn = pyodbc.connect("DSN=Sample Hortonworks Hive DSN;", autocommit=True)
cursor = conn.cursor();
cursor.execute("select year, symbol, total_dividends from default.yearly_aggregates where symbol = 'IBM' and year = '2005'")
result = cursor.fetchall()
for r in result:
Result is:
('2005', 'IBM', 0.7800000309944153)