Heavily borrowed from the talentedly @Adefemi localstack-terraform demo. I just added a few helpers to make it easier to run.
# terminal 1 - spin up localstack
docker compose up -d # maybe need to rerun as it may fail the first time on MacOS
docker compose logs -f
# optional: install localstack to validate the docker compose'd service is functional
brew install localstack/tap/localstack-cli
localstack config validate # check the service is functional
# terminal 2 - a quick "hello world" test using the AWS CLI
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=mock_access_key
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=mock_secret_key
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-west-2
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:4566 s3 ls
This script will deploy the infra to localstack via terraform.
This script will:
- upload a test file to the s3 bucket this will trigger the lambda function to run
- grab the lambda logs
This script will remove the file from the bucket and destroy the infra
You must run the clean up script! Otherwise the the following command will fail: docker compose down --volumes