- A work in progress -
Bachelor project - Open University of the Netherlands
The directory rules contains the Connect Four program as written at the beginning of the research. File c4_gdl.lp is this program according to GDL-conventions. File c4_asp.lp is a somewhat simplified version used in learning the rules with ILASP. File c4_asp_with_state_example.lp is the same program supplemented with enough facts and directives to give a meaningful output when solved with clingo. The files with test in their name are programs used in testing. All programs can be run with clingo.
In the directory strategies, work has been started on programming and testing winning strategies.
The directory ILASP contains the files used with ILASP to learn the rule of Connect Four. The resulting program as learned is c4_learned_with_ilasp.lp
The directory game contains a web app to be used as a tool for playing Connect Four and generating test scenarios. The web app can be used at Connect Four Tool
In the directory clinguin a first try in visualisation with Clinguin, a recent tool from Potassco.