Go tool that scrapes images from websites and downloads them locally or uploads them to Imgur.
Uses cobra and go-homedir
go build .
Or use the Makefile provided:
make build
will build the tool and place the binary in the folder bin as scrapey.
scrapey https://www.google.com/
will download the images from google.com and place them in a default location (home directory).
You can also use the -d (--directory) flag to place the images in another location. The -u flag will upload all images to an imgur album.
Note: The tool needs a Client-ID, which it reads from a file (ID.txt) placed in the root of the project. You need to supply your own Client-ID, which could be retrieved from the official Imgur api if you are going to make changes or do not want to use the already build file.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.