OpenShift Service Mesh 3 Demo/Quckstart with Gateway API for ingress.
Use the following demo: AWS with OpenShift Open Environment
Minimal OCP config:
- Control Plane Count:
- Control Plane Instance Type:
(resources to handle OSSM and observability overhead)
This quickstart guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up OSSM3 with Kiali, Tempo, Open Telemetry, and Bookinfo app. It also includes an example of using the next generation of ingress with the Kuberntetes Gateway API to access an example RestAPI.
By the end of this quickstart, you will have installed OSSM3, where tracing information is collected by Open Telemetry Collector and Tempo, and monitoring is managed by an in-cluster monitoring stack. The Bookinfo sample application will be included in the service mesh, with a traffic generator sending one request per second to simualte traffic. Additionally, the Kiali UI and OSSMC plugin will be set up to provide a graphical overview.
Note: Bookinfo uses the istio gateway for ingress. The RestAPI uses Kubernetes Gateway API for ingress
- The OpenShift Service Mesh 3, Kiali, Tempo, Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry operators have been installed (you can install it by
script which installs the particular operator versions (see subscriptions.yaml)) - The above listed script also enables the
Gateway API
, which will be included with OCP in a future release (TBD) - The cluster that has available Persistent Volumes or supports dynamic provisioning storage (for installing MiniO)
- You are logged into OpenShift via the CLI
The quickstart
- installs MiniO and Tempo to
namespace - installs OpenTelemetryCollector to
namespace - installs OSSM3 (Istio CR) with Kiali and OSSMC to
namespace - installs IstioCNI to
namespace - installs Istio ingress gateway to
namespace - installs Gateway API ingress gateway to
namespace - installs bookinfo app with traffic generator in
namespace - installs RestAPI app in
To skip all the following steps and set everything up automatically (e.g., for demo purposes), simply run the prepared ./
script which will perform all steps automatically.
All required YAML resources are in the ./resources
For a more detailed description about what is set and why, see OpenShift Service Mesh documentation.
oc get crd &> /dev/null || { oc kustomize "" | oc apply -f -; }
oc new-project tracing-system
First, set up MiniO storage which is used by Tempo to store data (or you can use S3 storage, see Tempo documentation)
oc apply -f ./resources/TempoOtel/minio.yaml -n tracing-system
oc wait --for condition=Available deployment/minio --timeout 150s -n tracing-system
Then, set up Tempo CR
oc apply -f ./resources/TempoOtel/tempo.yaml -n tracing-system
oc wait --for condition=Ready TempoStack/sample --timeout 150s -n tracing-system
oc wait --for condition=Available deployment/tempo-sample-compactor --timeout 150s -n tracing-system
Expose Jaeger UI route which will be used in the Kiali CR later
oc expose svc tempo-sample-query-frontend --port=jaeger-ui --name=tracing-ui -n tracing-system
Next, set up OpenTelemetryCollector
oc new-project opentelemetrycollector
oc apply -f ./resources/TempoOtel/opentelemetrycollector.yaml -n opentelemetrycollector
oc wait --for condition=Available deployment/otel-collector --timeout 60s -n opentelemetrycollector
oc new-project istio-system
First, install Istio custom resource
NOTE: In this example, the
is missing so the istio version is automatically set by OSSM operator. You can specify the version manually, but it must be one that is supported by the operator; otherwise, a validation error will occur.
oc apply -f ./resources/OSSM3/istiocr.yaml -n istio-system
oc wait --for condition=Ready istio/default --timeout 60s -n istio-system
Then, set up Telemetry resource to enable tracers defined in Istio custom resource
oc apply -f ./resources/TempoOtel/istioTelemetry.yaml -n istio-system
The opentelemetrycollector namespace needs to be added as a member of the mesh
oc label namespace opentelemetrycollector istio-injection=enabled
label works only when the name of Istio CR isdefault
. If you use a different name asdefault
, you need to<istioCR_NAME>
label instead ofistio-injection=enabled
in the all next steps of this example. Also, you will need to update valuesconfig_map_name
in the Kiali CR.
Then, install IstioCNI
NOTE: In this example, the
is missing so the istio version is automatically set by OSSM operator. the.spec.version
is missing so the istio version is automatically set by OSSM operator. You can specify the version manually, but it must be one that is supported by the operator.
oc new-project istio-cni
oc apply -f ./resources/OSSM3/istioCni.yaml -n istio-cni
oc wait --for condition=Ready istiocni/default --timeout 60s -n istio-cni
Set up the ingress gateway via istio in a different namespace as istio-system. Add that namespace as a member of the mesh.
oc new-project istio-ingress
oc label namespace istio-ingress istio-injection=enabled
oc apply -f ./resources/OSSM3/istioIngressGateway.yaml -n istio-ingress
oc wait --for condition=Available deployment/istio-ingressgateway --timeout 60s -n istio-ingress
Expose Istio ingress route which will be used in the bookinfo traffic generator later (and via that URL, we will be accessing to the bookinfo app)
oc expose svc istio-ingressgateway --port=http2 --name=istio-ingressgateway -n istio-ingress
Set up the ingress gateway via Gateway API (this will live next to the previously created gateway in the same namespace)
oc apply -k ./resources/gateway
First, OCP user monitoring needs to be enabled
oc apply -f ./resources/Monitoring/ocpUserMonitoring.yaml
Then, create service monitor and pod monitor for istio namespaces
oc apply -f ./resources/Monitoring/serviceMonitor.yaml -n istio-system
oc apply -f ./resources/Monitoring/podMonitor.yaml -n istio-system
oc apply -f ./resources/Monitoring/podMonitor.yaml -n istio-ingress
Create cluster role binding for kiali to be able to read ocp monitoring
oc apply -f ./resources/Kiali/kialiCrb.yaml -n istio-system
Set up Kiali CR. The URL for Jaeger UI (which was exposed earlier) needs to be set to Kiali CR in .spec.external_services.tracing.url
NOTE: In this example, the
is missing so the istio version is automatically set by Kiali operator. You can specify the version manually, but it must be one that is supported by the operator; otherwise, an error will appear in events on the Kiali resource.
export TRACING_INGRESS_ROUTE="http://$(oc get -n tracing-system route tracing-ui -o jsonpath='{}')"
cat ./resources/Kiali/kialiCr.yaml | JAEGERROUTE="${TRACING_INGRESS_ROUTE}" envsubst | oc -n istio-system apply -f -
oc wait --for condition=Successful kiali/kiali --timeout 150s -n istio-system
Increase timeout for the Kiali ui route in OCP since big queries for spans can take longer
oc annotate route kiali -n istio-system
Optionally, OSSMC plugin can be installed as well
NOTE: In this example, the
is missing so the istio version is automatically set by Kiali operator. You can specify the version manually, but it must be one that is supported by the operator and the version needs to be the same as Kiali CR.
oc apply -f ./resources/Kiali/kialiOssmcCr.yaml -n istio-system
oc wait -n istio-system --for=condition=Successful OSSMConsole ossmconsole --timeout 120s
Create bookinfo namespace and add that namespace as a member of the mesh
oc new-project bookinfo
oc label namespace bookinfo istio-injection=enabled
Create pod monitor for bookinfo namespaces
oc apply -f ./resources/Monitoring/podMonitor.yaml -n bookinfo
NOTE(shortcut): It takes some time till pod monitor shows in Metrics targets, you can check it in OCP console Observe->Targets. The Kiali UI will not show the metrics till the targets are ready.
Install the Bookinfo app (the bookinfo resources are from release-1.23
istio release branch)
oc apply -f ./resources/Bookinfo/bookinfo.yaml -n bookinfo
oc apply -f ./resources/Bookinfo/bookinfo-gateway.yaml -n bookinfo
oc wait --for=condition=Ready pods --all -n bookinfo --timeout 60s
Optionally, install a traffic generator for booking app which every second generates a request to simulate traffic
export INGRESSHOST=$(oc get route istio-ingressgateway -n istio-ingress -o=jsonpath='{}')
cat ./resources/Bookinfo/traffic-generator-configmap.yaml | ROUTE="http://${INGRESSHOST}/productpage" envsubst | oc -n bookinfo apply -f -
oc apply -f ./resources/Bookinfo/traffic-generator.yaml -n bookinfo
Install the sample RestAPI hello-service
via Kustomize
oc apply -k ./resources/application/kustomize/overlays/pod
Now, everything should be set.
Check the Bookinfo app via the ingress route
INGRESSHOST=$(oc get route istio-ingressgateway -n istio-ingress -o=jsonpath='{}')
echo "http://${INGRESSHOST}/productpage"
Check the RestAPI
export GATEWAY=$(oc get gateway hello-gateway -n istio-ingress -o template --template='{{(index .status.addresses 0).value}}')
curl -s $GATEWAY/hello | jq
curl -s $GATEWAY/hello-service | jq
Check Kiali UI
KIALI_HOST=$(oc get route kiali -n istio-system -o=jsonpath='{}')
echo "https://${KIALI_HOST}"
You can check all namespaces that all pods running correctly:
oc get pods -n tracing-system
oc get pods -n opentelemetrycollector
oc get pods -n istio-system
oc get pods -n istio-cni
oc get pods -n istio-ingress
oc get pods -n bookinfo
oc get pods -n rest-api-with-mesh
Output (the number of istio-cni pods is equals to the number of OCP nodes):
minio-6f8c5c79-fmjpd 1/1 Running 0 10m
tempo-sample-compactor-dcffd76dc-7mnll 1/1 Running 0 10m
tempo-sample-distributor-7dbbf4b5d7-xw5w5 1/1 Running 0 10m
tempo-sample-ingester-0 1/1 Running 0 10m
tempo-sample-querier-7bbcc6dd9b-gtl4q 1/1 Running 0 10m
tempo-sample-query-frontend-5885fff6bf-cklc5 2/2 Running 0 10m
otel-collector-77b6b4b58d-dwk6q 1/1 Running 0 9m23s
istiod-6847b886d5-s8vz8 1/1 Running 0 9m8s
kiali-6b7dbdf67b-cczm5 1/1 Running 0 7m56s
ossmconsole-7b64979c75-f9fbf 1/1 Running 0 7m22s
istio-cni-node-8h4mr 1/1 Running 0 8m44s
istio-cni-node-qvmw4 1/1 Running 0 8m44s
istio-cni-node-vpv9v 1/1 Running 0 8m44s
istio-cni-node-wml9b 1/1 Running 0 8m44s
istio-cni-node-x8np2 1/1 Running 0 8m44s
hello-gateway-istio-8449867f56-zsqk5 1/1 Running 0 33m
istio-ingressgateway-7f8878b6b4-bq64q 1/1 Running 0 32m
istio-ingressgateway-7f8878b6b4-d7m5p 1/1 Running 0 33m
details-v1-65cfcf56f9-72k5p 2/2 Running 0 3m4s
kiali-traffic-generator-cblht 2/2 Running 0 77s
productpage-v1-d5789fdfb-rlkhl 2/2 Running 0 3m
ratings-v1-7c9bd4b87f-5qmmp 2/2 Running 0 3m3s
reviews-v1-6584ddcf65-mhd75 2/2 Running 0 3m2s
reviews-v2-6f85cb9b7c-q8mc2 2/2 Running 0 3m2s
reviews-v3-6f5b775685-ctb65 2/2 Running 0 3m1s
service-b-v1-6c8c645587-krn87 2/2 Running 0 31m
service-b-v2-68f956ddc6-v62jf 2/2 Running 0 31m
web-front-end-9446fc49d-t8zh7 2/2 Running 0 31m