- User donates crypto assets into Smart Contract on Ethereum
- Smart contract converts the donated crypto into stablecoins, which are allocated to the recipient charity
- Donation transaction is recorded on the blockchain with adequate information for tax reporting purposes
- Charity can withdraw accumulated donations into their wallets
Directory & File Location:
- Smart contracts, React components, and contract ABIs are all located inside the "src" folder
- There is extraneous code inside the project because I was working on this project before Consensys
To get started:
- Clone the Repo
- Execute "npm install" to install the node module dependencies
- Execute "npm run start" to load up the project locally on locahost:3000
- Execute "truffle test" to run the smart contract unit tests on a Ganache local testnet (port: 7545; network_id:5777)
Public Ethereum account for the NFT certification: 0x69399F75290e247F5039c6a8F3383FF855A0cd4e
Frontend Hosting Service URL: https://shrill-dawn-9935.on.fleek.co/final_project/
Screencast Walkthrough URL: https://youtu.be/2c8hUeja3hg
P.S. I was working on this project on my own to learned Solidity before I started the Consensys course, so thats why the UI is a bit more polished than normal