Web app that shows current weather conditions and 5 days wheater forecast.
- The app shows browser current location’s weather conditions including: date, location, temperature, corresponding description of weather and icon.
- If now location is provided, because browser does not supported or user don't allow, default location is then used lat=38.8995891, lon=-77.0323285.
- Besides current location’s weather conditions, the app also shows extended weather forecast for the next 5 days.
- App also shows current humidity, wind and precipitation percentage (chances of rain).
- User can decide to use Celsius or Fahrenheit, the app save the last selection in browser’s local storage for future usage.
The app supports Chrome 70+ and Microsoft Edge.
It's responsive, from small screens (~320 x 570) to desktops.
The app was developed in TypeScript and C# languages.
On the front-end, the following libraries and frameworks were used:
- Angular 8.2 (framework),
- Material 8.2 (components and typography),
- Bootstrap 4.3 (grid and utilities),
- Leaflet 1.6 (map).
The back-end was fully developed using .NET Core 3.1.
The app uses:
- weather information from OpenWeatherMap API,
- streets map from OpenStreetMap,
SET ASPNETCORE_Environment=Development
dotnet build
dotnet run
The precipitation percentage (chance of rain) was modeled and developed by me. I create a very simple model using the weather information retrieved from OpenWeatherMap API. You should NOT take the precipitation percentage of the app as a reliable value. And it is NOT a value returned by OpenWeatherMap API.