Your development environment is prepared according to the steps outlined in Prepare Your Dev Environment
Your Azure subscription is running a shared ARO-RP development environment according to the steps in Prepare a shared RP development environment
Code changes in https://github.com/cadenmarchese/ARO-RP/tree/arorp-aks-poc1 are checked out locally. This branch is work-in-progress, and contains commits to allow RP to run as a pod, and accept requests from inside an AKS cluster.
Fetch the most up-to-date secrets with
make secrets
Copy and source your environment file.
cp env.example env vi env . ./env
Create a full environment file, which overrides some default
options when sourcedcp env-int.example env-int vi env-int . ./env-int
Generate the development RP configuration
make dev-config.yaml
make deploy
. This will fail on the first attempt to run due to AKS not being installed, so after the first failure, please skip to the next step to deploy the VPN Gateway and then deploy AKS.NOTE: If the deployment fails with
due to the RP Network Security Groups not found, delete the "gateway-production-predeploy" deployment in the gateway resource group, and re-runmake deploy
.NOTE: If the deployment fails with
A vault with the same name already exists in deleted state
, then you will need to recover the deleted keyvaults from a previous deploy using:az keyvault recover --name <KEYVAULT_NAME>
for each keyvault, and re-run. -
Deploy a VPN Gateway. This is required in order to be able to connect to AKS from your local machine:
source ./hack/devtools/deploy-shared-env.sh deploy_vpn_for_dedicated_rp
Deploy AKS by running these commands from the ARO-RP root directory:
source ./hack/devtools/deploy-shared-env.sh deploy_aks_dev
NOTE: If the AKS deployment fails with missing RP VNETs, delete the "gateway-production-predeploy" deployment in the gateway resource group, and re-run
make deploy
and then re-rundeploy_aks_dev
. -
Download the VPN config. Please note that this action will OVER WRITE the
on your local machine. DO NOT runmake secrets-update
after doing this, as you will overwrite existing config, until such time as you have runmake secrets
to get the config restored.vpn_configuration
Connect to the Dev VPN in a new terminal:
sudo openvpn secrets/vpn-$LOCATION.ovpn
Now that your machine is able access the VPN, you can log into the AKS cluster:
make aks.kubeconfig ./hack/hive-generate-config.sh export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/aks.kubeconfig kubectl get nodes
NOTE: There are multiple AKS clusters running in our dev sub with the same name. You can confirm that you are connected to the correct cluster by running
kubectl cluster-info
and confirming that the cluster hostname matches the hostname of the desired AKS cluster. -
Mirror the OpenShift and ARO images to your new ACR
NOTE: Running the mirroring through a VM in Azure rather than a local workstation is recommended for better performance.
Setup mirroring environment variables
export DST_ACR_NAME=${USER}aro export SRC_AUTH_QUAY=$(echo $USER_PULL_SECRET | jq -r '.auths."quay.io".auth') export SRC_AUTH_REDHAT=$(echo $USER_PULL_SECRET | jq -r '.auths."registry.redhat.io".auth') export DST_AUTH=$(echo -n '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:'$(az acr login -n ${DST_ACR_NAME} --expose-token | jq -r .accessToken) | base64 -w0)
Login to the Azure Container Registry
docker login -u 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -p "$(echo $DST_AUTH | base64 -d | cut -d':' -f2)" "${DST_ACR_NAME}.azurecr.io"
Run the mirroring
argument will take the DefaultInstallStream frompkg/util/version/const.go
and mirror that versiongo run -tags aro ./cmd/aro mirror latest
If you are going to test or work with multi-version installs, then you should mirror any additional versions as well, for example for 4.11.21 it would be
go run -tags aro ./cmd/aro mirror 4.11.21
Push the ARO and Fluentbit images to your ACR
If running this step from a VM separate from your workstation, ensure the commit tag used to build the image matches the commit tag where
make deploy
is run.Due to security compliance requirements,
make publish-image-*
targets pull fromarointsvc.azurecr.io
. You can either authenticate to this registry usingaz acr login --name arointsvc
to pull the image, or modify the $RP_IMAGE_ACR environment variable locally to point toregistry.access.redhat.com
instead.make publish-image-aro-multistage make publish-image-fluentbit
with the correct registry, image repository, and tag created above, so that the RP deployment can pull its image. -
Authorize the AKS cluster to pull images from your ACR
az aks update -n <myAKSCluster> -g <myResourceGroup> --attach-acr <acr-resource-id>
Update the DNS Child Domains
export PARENT_DOMAIN_NAME=osadev.cloud export PARENT_DOMAIN_RESOURCEGROUP=dns export GLOBAL_RESOURCEGROUP=$USER-global for DOMAIN_NAME in $USER-clusters.$PARENT_DOMAIN_NAME $USER-rp.$PARENT_DOMAIN_NAME; do CHILD_DOMAIN_PREFIX="$(cut -d. -f1 <<<$DOMAIN_NAME)" echo "########## Creating NS record to DNS Zone $CHILD_DOMAIN_PREFIX ##########" az network dns record-set ns create \ --resource-group "$PARENT_DOMAIN_RESOURCEGROUP" \ --zone "$PARENT_DOMAIN_NAME" \ --name "$CHILD_DOMAIN_PREFIX" >/dev/null for ns in $(az network dns zone show \ --resource-group "$GLOBAL_RESOURCEGROUP" \ --name "$DOMAIN_NAME" \ --query nameServers -o tsv); do az network dns record-set ns add-record \ --resource-group "$PARENT_DOMAIN_RESOURCEGROUP" \ --zone "$PARENT_DOMAIN_NAME" \ --record-set-name "$CHILD_DOMAIN_PREFIX" \ --nsdname "$ns" >/dev/null done done
Update the certificates in keyvault
NOTE: If you reuse an old name, you might run into soft-delete of the keyvaults. Run
az keyvault recover --name
to fix this.NOTE: Check to ensure that the $KEYVAULT_PREFIX environment variable set on workstation matches the prefix deployed into the resource group.
az keyvault certificate import \ --vault-name "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-svc" \ --name rp-mdm \ --file secrets/rp-metrics-int.pem >/dev/null az keyvault certificate import \ --vault-name "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-gwy" \ --name gwy-mdm \ --file secrets/rp-metrics-int.pem >/dev/null az keyvault certificate import \ --vault-name "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-svc" \ --name rp-mdsd \ --file secrets/rp-logging-int.pem >/dev/null az keyvault certificate import \ --vault-name "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-gwy" \ --name gwy-mdsd \ --file secrets/rp-logging-int.pem >/dev/null az keyvault certificate import \ --vault-name "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-svc" \ --name cluster-mdsd \ --file secrets/cluster-logging-int.pem >/dev/null az keyvault certificate import \ --vault-name "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-svc" \ --name dev-arm \ --file secrets/arm.pem >/dev/null az keyvault certificate import \ --vault-name "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-svc" \ --name rp-firstparty \ --file secrets/firstparty.pem >/dev/null az keyvault certificate import \ --vault-name "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-svc" \ --name rp-server \ --file secrets/localhost.pem >/dev/null az keyvault certificate import \ --vault-name "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-por" \ --name portal-server \ --file secrets/localhost.pem >/dev/null az keyvault certificate import \ --vault-name "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-por" \ --name portal-client \ --file secrets/portal-client.pem >/dev/null az keyvault certificate import \ --vault-name "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-dbt" \ --name dbtoken-server \ --file secrets/localhost.pem >/dev/null
Delete or scale down the RP VMSS created in the deploy step
az vmss delete -g ${RESOURCEGROUP} --name rp-vmss-$(git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD)$([[ $(git status --porcelain) = "" ]] || echo -dirty)
with your environment variables- Populate
with thefpClientID
that was previously populated indev-config.yaml
. - Populate
with the full resource ID of the ACR that you created in an earlier step. - Populate
with the newly created gateway resource group,KEYVAULT_PREFIX
with the newly created RP resource group, andDOMAIN_NAME
with the proper DNS name.
- Populate
with your certificates- Using the yaml provided, populate
fields with base64-encoded versions of these certificates, which were created during deploy, and can be found indev-config.yaml
- Using the yaml provided, populate
In Azure Portal, move the database account created during
make deploy
into the AKS cluster resource group, named*-aks1
. -
In Azure Portal, move the DNS zones created during
make deploy
into the AKS cluster resource group, named*-aks1
. -
Grant the needed permissions to the AKS agentpool MSI in the
resource group (not to be confused with the AKS MSI, in the $USER-aro-$LOCATION resource group) To do this generally, navigate toPortal > <name-of-resource> > Access Control (IAM) > Add role assignment > Owner
. The following permissions need to be granted to the AKS agentpool MSI:Owner
permissions on the$USER-aro-$LOCATION
resource groupOwner
permissions on the$USER-gwy-$LOCATION
resource groupOwner
permissions on the$USER-aro-$LOCATION
database account
Connect to the VPN / vnet gateway created in an earlier step, and connect to the AKS cluster
sudo openvpn secrets/vpn-$LOCATION.ovpn make aks.kubeconfig export KUBECONFIG=aks.kubeconfig kubectl get nodes
Apply Kubernetes resources
kubectl apply -f kubernetes_resources/namespaces.yaml kubectl apply -f kubernetes_resources/secrets.yaml kubectl apply -f kubernetes_resources/configmaps.yaml kubectl apply -f kubernetes_resources/rp.yaml kubectl apply -f kubernetes_resources/services.yaml
Using the pod IP of one of the RP replicas while connected to the VPN, OR using the service IP while in-cluster (debug pod or similar), you can make requests to the RP pod directly.
export POD_IP="$(kubectl get pods -n aro-rp -o wide | awk '{ print $6 }' | tail -n +2 | head -1)" curl -X GET -k "https://$POD_IP:8443/admin/providers/microsoft.redhatopenshift/openshiftclusters"
Register the subscription against the RP:
curl -k -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "state": "Registered", "properties": { "tenantId": "'"$AZURE_TENANT_ID"'", "registeredFeatures": [ { "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/RedHatEngineering", "state": "Registered" } ] } }' "https://$POD_IP:8443/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID?api-version=2.0"
Create a service principal for use by the cluster: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/openshift/howto-create-service-principal
AZ_SUB_ID=$(az account show --query id -o tsv) az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "test-aro-SP" --role contributor --scopes "/subscriptions/${RESOURCEGROUP}/resourceGroups/${RESOURCEGROUP}"
Set up cluster creation environment variables (this will overwrite the variables set previously, in env-int):
LOCATION=eastus # the location of your cluster RESOURCEGROUP=aro-cluster # the name of the resource group where you want to create your cluster CLUSTER=aro-cluster # the name of your cluster POD_IP="$(kubectl get pods -n aro-rp -o wide | awk '{ print $6 }' | tail -n +2 | head -1)" CLIENT_ID=<UUID> # the client id of the service principal created in the previous step CLIENT_SECRET=<UUID> # the client secret of the service principal created in the previous step
Create resource group:
az group create --name $RESOURCEGROUP --location $LOCATION
Create vnet and subnets:
az network vnet create \ --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \ --name aro-vnet \ --address-prefixes az network vnet subnet create \ --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \ --vnet-name aro-vnet \ --name master-subnet \ --address-prefixes az network vnet subnet create \ --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \ --vnet-name aro-vnet \ --name worker-subnet \ --address-prefixes
Create the cluster:
curl -X PUT -k "https://$POD_IP:8443/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER?api-version=2022-09-04" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"location": "'$LOCATION'", "properties": {"clusterProfile": {"pullSecret": "", "domain": "ncns1k70", "version": "", "resourceGroupId": "/subscriptions/'$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID'/resourceGroups/aro-ncns1k70", "fipsValidatedModules": "Disabled"}, "servicePrincipalProfile": {"clientId": "'$CLIENT_ID'", "clientSecret": "'$CLIENT_SECRET'"}, "networkProfile": {"podCidr": "", "serviceCidr": ""}, "masterProfile": {"vmSize": "Standard_D8s_v3", "subnetId": "/subscriptions/'$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID'/resourceGroups/'$RESOURCEGROUP'/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/aro-vnet/subnets/master-subnet", "encryptionAtHost": "Disabled"}, "workerProfiles": [{"name": "worker", "vmSize": "Standard_D4s_v3", "diskSizeGB": 128, "subnetId": "/subscriptions/'$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID'/resourceGroups/'$RESOURCEGROUP'/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/aro-vnet/subnets/worker-subnet", "count": 3, "encryptionAtHost": "Disabled"}], "apiserverProfile": {"visibility": "Public"}, "ingressProfiles": [{"name": "default", "visibility": "Public"}]}}'
If you lose access to the vpn / vnet gateway that you provisioned in an earlier step (such as through a make secrets
, or a change in VPN config), and you don't have a secrets/* backup, you can recover your access using the following steps. Please note that this action will OVER WRITE the secrets/vpn-$LOCATION.ovpn
on your local machine. DO NOT run make secrets-update
after doing this, as you will overwrite existing config for all users.
Source all environment variables from earlier, and run the VPN configuration step again:
. ./env . ./env-int source ./hack/devtools/deploy-shared-env.sh vpn_configuration
Create new VPN certificates locally:
go run ./hack/genkey -ca vpn-ca mv vpn-ca.* secrets go run ./hack/genkey -client -keyFile secrets/vpn-ca.key -certFile secrets/vpn-ca.crt vpn-client mv vpn-client.* secrets
Update the VPN configuration locally:
- Add the new cert and key created above (located in
) tosecrets/vpn-eastus.ovpn
, replacing the existing configuration.
- Add the new cert and key created above (located in
Add the newly created secrets to the
vnet gateway in$USER-aro-$LOCATION
resource group:- In portal, navigate to
, Point-to-site configuration > Root certificates. - Add the new
data created above to this configuration.
- In portal, navigate to
Connect to the VPN:
sudo openvpn secrets/vpn-$LOCATION.ovpn