Temporary Adoption of a Co-Presidency for Fall 2020 (Section 3)
Bylaw 5
Drafted: Aivant Goyal ( @aivantg ) & Alison Dowski ( @adowski )
Proposed: 2020.04.26
Proposed by: Executive Team ( @calblueprint/eteam )
Ratified: 2020.04.26
Voting Record:
Votes: 6 Total Membership, 4 Yes, 0 No, 2 Abstain
Given the extraordinary situation regarding Covid-19 for the semester of Fall 2020, the Executive Committee has decided to allow the temporary adoption of a co-president candidacy for the election of Fall 2020 Executive Committee. The uncertainty and difficulty of running Blueprint outside normal operations in Fall 2020 warrants the need for a co-presidency.
A co-presidency will take up the same duties as a singular president, shared as the Co-Presidents see fit. This change is intended to prevent the overwork of the president in uncertain times. The Executive Committee's recommendation is to reflect on the outcome of a co-presidency at the end of the semester to see if a constitutional amendment introducing a permanent adoption of potential co-presidents should be proposed.