This repo holds a list of topics, and materials for presentations about programming.
Recordings located here. Link is to a Wind River internal website, only accessible by Wind River employees. Contact me directly if you want the recordings.
Presentation 1 (2020-10-16)
- defaultdict
- comprehension
- speed up python
- What's new in Python 3.9
Presentation 2 (2020-10-30)
- OOP stuff (kind of)
- private attributes, hidden attributes, name mangling
- Abstract classes
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
- multiple inheritance and name conflicts,
- interfaces through stateless abstract base classes and multiple inheritance
- data class -> easier init functions (kind of like namedtuple)
- immutable data class
- OOP stuff (kind of)
Presentation 3 (2020-11-13)
- printing stuff
- %, string append, format, f-string, Template strings
- decorators
- manually
- simple
- with decorator arguments
- with function arguments
- decorators as Classes (have internal state)
- decorators as cache / memoization
- printing stuff
- Presentation 4 (Planned 2020-11-27)
- generators
- last vs. non-lazy computation
- generator expressions
- generator functions with yield
- recursive generators with yield from
- speed / size comparison
- infinite data structures with generators
- need something else
- generators