Releases: ccfos/nightingale
Releases · ccfos/nightingale
What's Changed
- feat: New dashboard datasource selector
- refactor: Disabled anonymous access for dashboards containing "Machine Identifier" variables
- refactor: Deprecated "Business Group Identifier" variable for dashboards
- refactor: Added "Save" button to datasource form page, supporting save without testing
- refactor: Changed default execution frequency of alert rules to 60 seconds
- refactor: Unified submit buttons on rule form pages to "Save"
- refactor: Notification rule improvements
- Added view rule functionality to alert rule notification selector
- Added support for message template cloning
- Added adjustable width for documentation panel in message templates
- fix: Fixed issue where datasource type wasn't refreshed on some pages after creating a datasource
- fix: Fixed issue where cloned alert rules couldn't be saved when the original rule was modified by others
- fix: Fixed incorrect field path saving for Elasticsearch source in alert rules
- fix: Fixed issue in Elasticsearch log query Lucene mode where filter condition field values containing "and", "or", etc. were automatically converted to uppercase
- fix: Fixed overflow issue in older dashboards after import due to missing legend.placement property
- fix: Fixed issue where line chart tooltips didn't filter out empty value legends
- feat: 仪表盘新版数据源选择器
- refactor: 仪表盘包含 "机器标识" 变量时禁止启用匿名访问
- refactor: 仪表盘下线 "业务组标识" 变量
- refactor: 数据源表单页添加 "保存" 按钮,支持不测试仅保存
- refactor: 告警规则默认执行频率改为 60 秒
- refactor: 记录规则表单页提交按钮统一改名为 "保存"
- refactor: 通知规则优化
- 告警规则的通知规则选择器添加查看规则功能
- 消息模板支持克隆
- 消息模板右侧文档宽度支持调节
- fix: 修复创建数据源后部分页面数据源类型未刷新问题
- fix: 修复告警规则克隆时遇规则被其他修改无法保存问题
- fix: 修复告警规则 Elasticsearch 源保存的字段路径错误问题
- fix: 修复 Elasticsearch 日志查询 Lucene 模式的过滤条件的字段值中包含 and or 等字符时会被自动转换成大写问题
- fix: 修复一些比较老的仪表盘导入后因为缺少 legend.placement 导致图例容器溢出问题
- fix: 修复折线图提示信息没有过滤掉空值图例问题
Full Changelog: v8.0.0-beta.9...v8.0.0-beta.10
What's Changed
- refactor:提高数据转发性能
- feature:增加了夜莺v8版本的内置仪表盘
Full Changelog: v8.0.0-beta.8.3...v8.0.0-beta.9
What's Changed
- fix: 通知规则配置多个接收人时,发送邮件失败问题
- feat: 增加飞书应用、Slack、Mattermost、Callback 内置通知媒介
Full Changelog: v8.0.0-beta.8.2...v8.0.0-beta.8.3
fix: get user contacts
What's Changed
- feat: Add Discord notification channel
- refactor: Support @mention configuration in DingTalk notifications
- fix: Unable to create new contact methods in fresh environment
- fix: Aliyun SMS and phone call notifications not working
- fix: Notification rule receiver group settings not taking effect
- fix: Unable to fetch user custom contact methods
- feat: 新增 Discord 通知媒介
- refactor: 钉钉通知支持配置 at 人
- fix: 全新环境联系方式无法新建问题
- fix: 阿里云短信电话通知不生效
- fix: 通知规则配置接收组不生效
- fix: 用户自定义联系方式获取不到问题
Full Changelog: v8.0.0-beta.7...v8.0.0-beta.8
What's Changed
- feat: Support new notification rules for easier configuration of alert notifications
- feat: Support new notification channel configuration, adding new notification channels for greater convenience and flexibility
- perf: Optimize query performance for log search in Elasticsearch data sources
- feat: 支持新的通知规则,可以更加方便地配置告警通知
- feat: 支持新的通知媒介配置,增加新的通知通道,更加方便灵活
- perf: 优化日志查询 Elasticsearch 类型源的查询性能
Full Changelog: v8.0.0-beta.6...v8.0.0-beta.7
What's Changed
- refactor: Changed alarm notification result recording to asynchronous to reduce database write pressure
- fix: Fixed an issue where newly added record rule datasource could not be saved
- refactor: 告警通知结果记录改为异步,降低对数据库的写入压力
- fix:修复新增的记录规则数据源无法保存问题
Full Changelog: v8.0.0-beta.5...v8.0.0-beta.6
What's Changed
- feat: API authentication supports using the user's own token
- feat: Support forwarding time-series data to Kafka
- feat: Added annotations feature to dashboard line chart
- feat: Added right-aligned table legend mode to dashboard line chart
- feat: Added percentage mode for thresholds in dashboard line chart, with new threshold styles supporting dashed lines and area combinations
- feat: Added Retro LCD display mode to dashboard leaderboard
- feat: Dashboard global links now support adding dashboards type links
- refactor: Optimized the UI for alert rule data source filtering
- refactor: Changed dashboard configuration to manual save mode
- refactor: Optimized panel title font size and color
- refactor: Panel title bar now shows custom time prompt
- refactor: Grouped panels display the number of panels when collapsed
- refactor: Enhanced contrast optimization for line chart text color
- feat: 接口鉴权支持使用用户自己的 token
- feat: 支持将接收的时序数据转发到 kafka
- feat: 仪表盘折线图新增 annotations 功能
- feat: 仪表盘折线图新增右对齐的表格模式图例
- feat: 仪表盘折线图阈值新增百分比模式,以及新增阈值样式支持虚线和区域等多样组合
- feat: 仪表盘排行榜新增 Retro LCD 显示模式
- feat: 仪表盘全局链接支持新增 dashboards 类型链接
- refactor: 告警规则数据源筛选 UI 优化
- refactor: 仪表盘配置改成手动保存模式
- refactor: 面板标题字体大小颜色优化
- refactor: 面板标题栏展示自定义时间提示
- refactor: 分组面板折叠后显示包含面板数量信息
- refactor: 折线图文字颜色优化增强对比度
Full Changelog: v8.0.0-beta.4...v8.0.0-beta.5
What's Changed
- feat: Elasticsearch alert support "nodata" alert conditions
- feat: Add the "All" preset filter to the alert self-healing script and task list pages
- feat: Add the
(10s) URL parameter to the dashboard detail page to control automatic page refresh - refactor: Permission points support i18n
- refactor: Optimize the subscription rule form layout
- refactor: Remove merged cells for the data source column in the alert engine table
- refactor: Remove width limitations for the data source and severity level selectors on the alert rule list page
- refactor: Optimize the heartbeat update selector on the host list page by adding an option for heartbeat updates
- fix: Resolve issue where Elasticsearch alert is invalid when the "group by" field type is int
- feat: ES 日志告警,支持 nodata 类型告警条件
- feat: 告警自愈脚本和任务列表页添加 "全部" 预置筛选
- feat: 仪表盘详情页 URL 参数添加
(10s) 参数来控制页面是否自动刷新 - refactor: 权限管理权限点支持 i18n
- refactor: 订阅规则表单样式优化
- refactor: 告警引擎表格的数据源列取消合并单元格
- refactor: 告警规则列表页的数据源和级别选择器不再限制宽度
- refactor: 机器列表心跳更新选择器优化,添加有心跳更新的选择项
- fix: ES 日志告警,group by 字段类型为 int 时,不生效问题
Full Changelog: v8.0.0-beta.3...v8.0.0-beta.4
What's Changed
- feat: support elasticsearch alert
- refactor: add wait time before starting the alert rule check
- chore: update tpl and readme for cloudwatch
Full Changelog: v8.0.0-beta.2...v8.0.0-beta.3