This project is a message controller for sending arbitrary messages by a web interface.
There are two ways of sending messages:
- send once
- send under a certain frequency
ADD a feature: a slider bar for the Ground Steering Request(1085) 20~-20 step 0.1
msgSets.json saves the settings of the messages types (can be reload).
docker build -t chalmersfsd/cfsd-message-controller:v0.0.3 -f Dockerfile.amd64 .
docker run --rm -ti --net=host chalmersfsd/cfsd-message-controller:v0.0.3 --cid=130
open in web browser: localhost:8082
The project is following project: Cluon-javascript:
This project provides a minimum viable product (MVP) demonstrating how to communicate between JavaScript and OD4Sessions using libcluon and hence, connecting JavaScript and C++ to exchange data bi-directionally.
- Written in highly portable and high quality C++14
- Sending data in Protobuf from C++ to your JavaScript application
- Sending data in Protobuf from JavaScript to your C++ application
- Description of the C++ part of this ping-pong application
- Description of the JavaScript part of this ping-pong application
No dependencies! You just need a C++14-compliant compiler to compile this project as it ships its dependencies as part of the source distribution:
- libcluon -
This microservice is provided via Docker's public registry for:
- Running the webserver to serve the JavaScript application serving data from OD4Session
docker run --rm -ti --net=host chrberger/cluon-javascript-js-amd64:latest --cid=111
- Running the C++ demo program to send data in time-triggered mode:
docker run --rm -ti --net=host chrberger/cluon-javascript-cpp-amd64:latest ping-pong --cid=111
Now, simply point your web-browser to http://localhost:8082 and open the JavaScript console to see the output.
- Description of the C++ part of this ping-pong application
- Description of the JavaScript part of this ping-pong application
- This project is released under the terms of the MIT License.