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Replacement for BeagleBone to handle readings from car's non-driverless sensors.

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How it works

  • This is firmware for STM32F4 to communicate with the new microservices of CFSD over USB serial. The service code can be found at
  • STM32 receives GPIO/PWM requests from Docker side, and execute these requests.
  • It it request-response communication where Docker side should send requests and STM would respond to them.


  • ChibiOS 18.2. This is included in the repository.
  • STM32F4 running a serial-over-usb connection (micro-usb), drivers for the board installed.
  • Dockerized microservice running OpenDLV. This service can be found at
  • Pin configuration is described in "stm32_pin_map.xlsx", and is configured at src/chibios182/os/hal/boards/ST_STM32F4_DISCOVERY/board.h. Change this file if you want another pin config.

Getting it working

Utilizing Makefile in root directory. Help output is available, free to run make and read it.

  • Build all tools, firmware and flash: make all
  • Create docker images for building and flashing firmware: make builder && make flasher
  • Build firmware (given you have corresponding docker image): make build
  • Flash firmware make flash

Function description

The code has 3 threads, whose purposes and related functions are described below:

  • usbThread: blink the orange LED according to the Serial over USB status; slow blink (1Hz) means no connection, and fast blink (2Hz) means good connection.

  • readThread: collects & decode the Netstring bytes sent from Docker side. The bytes are first received using sdReadTimeout & stored in chunkBuffer (a temporary buffer), then receiveBuffer (this is the main storing buffer, where most read actions are performed on). A char* pointer, writePtr, is used to keep track of where in receiveBuffer the reading is taking place. This is done by the following functions:

    • consumeNetstring(): a temporary function to remember the position of writePtr.
    • decodeNextNetstring(): the main reading function. It parses the bytes in receiveBuffer, looking for a valid Netstring by looking for the number of bytes (payload length of Netstring) using strtol. Once that number is found, it checks for the end delimeter of the Netstring (';'); if that is also found, then it means it found a valid Netstring, and will extract & decode the payload in decodeRequest(). The extracted payload is stored in messageBuffer. After that, the read Netstring are removed from receiveBuffer by memmove, and by moving the writePtr.
    • decodeRequest(): decodes the payload based on a pre-defined mesage format. The format is: "set|pinID|value". E.g: "set|compressor|1", "set|ebs_line|0", "set|steer_speed|50000",...
  • writeThread: sends measurements to Docker side. The procedure is the opposite of reading: the measurements are first encoded according to the pre-defined format,e.g: "status|ebs_line|1234", "status|ebs_actuator|1234", then encoded as Netstring, and finally sent over USB using sdWriteTimeout().

  • adcSampleThread: samples the raw Analog measurements.

Related board config


  • PB0 - PWM_LINEAR_ACTUATOR (alternate 2).
  • PB1 - PWM_PRESSURE (alternate 2).
  • PB5 - PWM_ASSI_RED (alternate 2).
  • PB6 - PWM_ASSI_GREEN (alternate 2).
  • PB7 - PWM_ASSI_BLUE (alternate 2).
  • PB8 - CAN1_RX (alternate 9).
  • PB9 - CAN1_TX (alternate 9).
  • PB12 - CAN2_RX (alternate 9).
  • PB13 - CAN2_TX (alternate 9).
  • PD0 - PD_HEART_BEAT (output pushpull maximum).
  • PD1 - PD_RACK_RIGHT (output pushpull maximum).
  • PD2 - PD_RACK_LEFT (output pushpull maximum).
  • PD3 - PD_SERVICE_BREAK (output pushpull maximum).
  • PD4 - PD_REDUNDENCY (output pushpull maximum).
  • PD6 - PD_SHUTDOWN (output pushpull maximum).
  • PD7 - PD_SPARE (output pushpull maximum).
  • PD8 - PD_CLAMP_SET (output pushpull maximum).
  • PD9 - PD_COMPRESSOR (output pushpull maximum).
  • PD10 - PD_EBS_RELIEF (output pushpull maximum).
  • PD11 - PD_EBS_SPEAKER (output pushpull maximum).
  • PD12 - PD_FINISHED (output pushpull maximum).
  • PD13 - LED3 (output pushpull maximum).
  • PD14 - LED5 (output pushpull maximum).
  • PD15 - LED6 (output pushpull maximum).

Sensor reads

  • PC0 - EBS_LINE_READ (analog).
  • PC1 - EBS_ACTUATOR_READ (analog).
  • PC2 - PRESSURE_RAD_READ (analog).
  • PC3 - SERVICE_TANK_READ (analog).
  • PC4 - POSITION_RACK_READ (analog).
  • PC5 - STEARING_POS_READ (analog).
  • PC13 - ASMS_READ (input pullup).
  • PC14 - CLAMPED_SENS_READ (input pullup).
  • PC15 - EBS_OK_READ (input pullup).


  • Re-calibrate sensor measurements.
  • Continue debugging to find possible bugs