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@geekygirldawn geekygirldawn released this 31 Oct 08:33
· 41 commits to main since this release

This "release" contains the data and other materials used in the development of a paper delivered at the OpenForum Academy Symposium 2024 by Dawn Foster. Because this was done as a release, there are source code files for everything in the repository that you can safely ignore.

The file with the OFA paper data is attached to the release as OFA-Foster-2024-Paper-Relicensing-Forks-Data.tar.gz. These files can be used to further explore the data, validate it, and / or for replication purposes.

The files include:

  • LICENSE: These materials are all under the MIT license
  • The script used to gather commit and author data from the GitHub GraphQL API.
  • data-files/: A folder containing the data files created by
    • Files in the format of RepoName_people_StartDateEndDate.pkl are Python pickle files containing a dictionary with data aggregated per contributor.
    • Files in the format of RepoNameStartDateEndDate.pkl contain a dataframe with all of the raw commit data
  • notebooks/: A folder containing Jupyter Notebooks that read in the data files, clean the data, and create the results used in the paper. There is one Jupyter notebook per project repository
  • Foster-OFA-New-Dynamics-Open-Source-Relicensing-Forks-Community-Impact-2024.pdf: The first version of the paper submitted to OFA for feedback

Updated versions of the paper can be found in the publications directory.

Paper Citation: Foster, D. (2024, November 13-14). The New Dynamics of Open Source: Relicensing, Forks, and Community Impact. OpenForum Academy Symposium 2024, Boston, Massachusetts.