A metro theme for phpmyadmin
Modified from: http://hplhu.deviantart.com/art/Metro-Theme-v3-for-phpMyAdmin-4-382030120
- This is a minimalistic, clean theme for phpMyAdmin 4, inspired by Windows 8 app design.
- Tested under Firefox 22, Chrome 27, Safari 5.1.7, Opera 12.12 and Internet Explorer 9 & 10.
- Using this theme under any earlier version of browsers listed above may cause erroneous appearance. Such browsers like Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 are definitely not recommended for this theme.
- To use this theme, copy the theme directory under "themes" directory.
- In layout.inc, schemes can be switched by defining $scheme variable.
- If Open Sans, Segoe UI and IcoMoon font families are already installed on your system, there's no need for the webfont integration (@font-face) in common.css and fonts directory.