Chisel v6.6.0
- Implement Lookupable for HasTarget (used by SRAM) (backport #4481) (by @mergify[bot] in #4482)
- Allow BoringUtils to use existing port in a closed module (backport #4484) (by @mergify[bot] in #4486)
When trying to drill a port, it doesn't matter if the module is closed. We do not need to construct new hardware and can just use the existing port. - Implement Lookupable for Unit (backport #4497) (by @mergify[bot] in #4498)
API Modification
API Deprecation
- Remove unnecessary overrides of lref and ref in Property (backport #4309) (by @mergify[bot] in #4310)
This fixes an issue with views of List of Property. - Improve error messages for empty Mux1H and PriorityMux (backport #4391) (by @mergify[bot] in #4393)
- Handle define on views of Probes (backport #4308) (by @mergify[bot] in #4311)
- Support BoringUtils.bore on OpaqueType wrapping a Property. (backport #4337) (by @mergify[bot] in #4338)
This ensures boring from an OpaqueType that wraps a Property uses the correct connection operator in the IR. - Make it legal to extract zero bits from a zero-width UInt (backport #4445) (by @mergify[bot] in #4447)
- Fix and earlyLocalName for probes (backport #4359) (by @mergify[bot] in #4360)
- Fix Boring.rwTap on instance ports (backport #4451) (by @mergify[bot] in #4452)
BoringUtils.rwTap can now works on a port of aninstance: Instance[..]
- Fix Select.attachedTo (backport #4458) (by @mergify[bot] in #4461)
- Fix missing string interpolators, add -Xlint:missing-interpolator (backport #4471) (by @mergify[bot] in #4473)
- Add Probes to .toString Data methods (backport #4478) (by @mergify[bot] in #4480)
Probe chisel types now include the kind of probe and layer in their.toString
Dependency Updates
- [6.x] Bump to CIRCT 1.62.1 (by @jackkoenig in #4387)
- [FIRRTL] LowerToHW: guard against folded operations (llvm/circt#7358)
- Add Scala 2.13.15 to compiler plugin cross-build (backport #4410) (by @mergify[bot] in #4413)
Add support for Scala 2.13.15
Build and Internal Changes
- Add permissions to website deployment job (backport #4285) (by @mergify[bot] in #4290)
- [6.x] Enable MiMa for v6.5.0 (by @chiselbot in #4279)
Full Changelog: v6.5.0...v6.6.0