It was created by CIB software GmbH as a fork of Camunda 7, with an easy migration path and long-term support
- CIB seven here is the main source code of the BPM platform
- CIB seven Docker here are the resources for building the docker images
- CIB seven Migration here is the OpenRewrite based project for migration from "org.camunda" namespace to "org.cibseven"
- CIB seven Artifacts / public here are the Maven released artifacts in our own artifactory
- CIB seven Artifacts / snapshots here are the SNAPSHOT versions for the development
- Maven Central CIB seven artifacts are also deployed to Maven Central
- Docker Hub released and development docker images can be used directly from the DockerHub
- Web Site our official website
- Documentation
- UI Preview Screenshots of the new Vue.js UI, becomming Open Source shortly
- Download download links for different distributions
- CIB seven Community Hub is a place to fork Camunda 7 community projects to migrate them to CIB seven