codet is a command-line tool for analyzing Git commit history. It helps users profile project change hotspots, analyze code changes, and leverage AI for deeper insights. In particular, the generated git diff files can be conveniently integrated with Cursor for collaborative development.
- Analyze recent commit records, defaulting to the past 7 days.
- Search for keywords in commit diffs.
- Search for author email in commit diffs.
- Support for optional AI analysis via tools.
- Code hotspot analysis to identify frequently modified areas.
If you want to quickly install Codet, you can use the following command to install it from PyPI:
pip install codet
If you want to participate in development or use the latest development version, you can install it from the source code:
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd codet
# Install dependencies
pip install -e .
If you are going to do development work, you can install development dependencies:
pip install -e ".[dev]"
If you need to know the detailed usage of Codet, you can use the following command to display the help information:
codet --help
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usage: codet [-h] [--version] [-d DAYS] [-e EMAIL] [-u USER] [-k KEYWORD] [-g] [-r] [-p PATH] [-s] [-m {union,intersection}]
codet is a CLI tool for analyzing git commit history.
1. quickly understand commit records, analyze code changes, and identify commit hotspots.
2. filter commits based on time range, search for specific keywords in commit diffs, or filter by author email.
3. as an optional feature, codet integrates AI through API tokens to provide deeper analysis.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-d DAYS, --days DAYS [Optional] Look back for git commits in the past N days (default: 30 days) (default: 30)
-e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
[Optional] Filter commits by git commit author email, can be used multiple times (e.g., -e [email protected] -e [email protected]) (default: [])
-u USER, --user USER [Optional] Filter commits by git commit author name, can be used multiple times (e.g., -u 'John Doe' -u 'Jane Smith') (default: [])
-k KEYWORD, --keyword KEYWORD
[Optional] Search for keywords in commit diffs, can be used multiple times (e.g., -k keyword1 -k keyword2) (default: [])
-g, --debug [Optional] Enable debug mode (default: False) (default: False)
-r, --recursive [Optional] Recursively search for git projects in subdirectories (default: True) (default: True)
-p PATH, --path PATH [Optional] Specify the path to analyze (default: current directory) (default: codet)
-s, --hotspot [Optional] Count changes in files and directories within search scope to identify active areas (default: False) (default: False)
-m {union,intersection}, --mode {union,intersection}
[Optional] Search mode: union (match any condition) or intersection (match all conditions) (default: union) (default: union)
For more details, visit the documentation or contact [email protected]
The following are basic usage examples of Codet. You can combine different parameters according to your needs:
# View commit records that contain the keyword "feature" and are authored by "John Doe" in the past 7 days
git clone
cd pytorch
# # View commit records that contain the keywords "Triton" and "cuda" in the past 7 days
codet -d 7 -k Triton -k cuda -s -r
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2025-03-09 10:32:50 [INFO] Initializing CodeTrail executor
2025-03-09 10:32:50 [INFO] Analyzing path: pytorch
2025-03-09 10:32:50 [INFO] Recursive mode enabled, scanning all subdirectories
2025-03-09 10:32:50 [INFO] Found Git repo at pytorch
2025-03-09 10:32:50 [INFO] Initializing GitWrapper, processing 1 repositories
2025-03-09 10:32:50 [INFO] Loaded repository: pytorch, path: pytorch
2025-03-09 10:32:50 [INFO] Successfully loaded 1 Git repositories
2025-03-09 10:32:50 [INFO] Starting to collect raw commit data
2025-03-09 10:32:50 [INFO] Collecting commits since 2025-03-02
Processing pytorch commit records: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 286/286 [00:34<00:00, 8.26it/s]
Processing repositories progress: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:34<00:00, 34.73s/it]
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO] Starting to process commit data
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO] Union mode: match any condition
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO] Intersection mode: must match all conditions
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO] [Search Mode] Using Union Mode - Match any condition
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO] Union mode: commit included if it matches any email, username or keyword condition
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO] - Email conditions: none
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO] - User conditions: none
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO] - Keyword conditions: Triton, cuda
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO] Processing complete, found 165 matching commits
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO]
| # | Repository | Commit ID | Commit Summary | Email | URL | Date |
| 1 | pytorch | 17dbeb1 | [PGNCCL] Launch kernel on current stream & remove `record_stream` entirely (#148590) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 23:33:08-08:00 |
| 2 | pytorch | 148eb73 | Change nvcc arch flags for sm100 (#148774) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-08 19:05:51+00:00 |
| 3 | pytorch | 7ffadff | c10d/ProcessGroup: cleanup abort and shutdown (#148798) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-08 18:33:14+00:00 |
| 4 | pytorch | 9841f0d | Add support for non functional collectives under FakeTensorMode and fake_pg for memory tracking (#147566) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-08 18:00:49+00:00 |
| 5 | pytorch | 849cc05 | [CUDA][TF32] Account for tf32 in `test_efficient_conv_bn_eval` (#148802) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-08 16:17:04+00:00 |
| 6 | pytorch | c3b05c4 | [triton 3.3] support both specialize_impl and create_specialize_impl (#148806) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 18:12:00-08:00 |
| 7 | pytorch | 3745da1 | [AOTI] Swith to local cpp compile for fbcode (#148592) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-08 08:38:26+00:00 |
| 8 | pytorch | 5f1c79b | [CD] Enable triton xpu windows build (#147637) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-08 05:28:42+00:00 |
| 9 | pytorch | f7c0c23 | Fix compile errors (#148758) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-08 04:56:42+00:00 |
| 10 | pytorch | 75179fd | [Codemod][AddExplicitStrictExportArg] caffe2/test/inductor (#148781) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-08 04:43:29+00:00 |
| 11 | pytorch | 8f71d45 | Fix rms_norm in fp16/bf16 (#147203) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-08 04:43:15+00:00 |
| 12 | pytorch | 85467ed | Fix for AOTI + CUDAGraphs when calling from Python (#148601) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 15:58:33-05:00 |
| 13 | pytorch | 9f170d9 | [Triton 3.3] Remove ROCm specific mm gemm template (#148662) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-08 01:24:36+00:00 |
| 14 | pytorch | a89e7c2 | [Upstream] Wrap log_2_e in tl.constexpr for new 3.3 bump (#148785) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 16:22:42-08:00 |
| 15 | pytorch | 179b7a0 | Do not crash when compiling quantized LORA models (#148435) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-08 00:02:08+00:00 |
| 16 | pytorch | 24085db | Don't clear feedback_saver_fns after cache clear (#148723) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 23:43:55+00:00 |
| 17 | pytorch | 187d5c0 | [logging] Log cudagraphify timings to dynamo_timed (#143220) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 09:58:43-08:00 |
| 18 | pytorch | f2dfe2d | [Triton 3.3] [ROCm] Enabled split_scan support for ROCm builds (#147619) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 23:06:17+00:00 |
| 19 | pytorch | 0f85264 | Revert "[cutlass backend] Forward fix for less aligned gemm shapes (#148521)" | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 22:42:13+00:00 |
| 20 | pytorch | 755965d | [inductor] fix matmul w/ torch.bucketize epilogue (#148769) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 10:29:47-08:00 |
| 21 | pytorch | 6774212 | [ROCm] Bump AOTriton to 0.9.2b (#148433) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 22:10:07+00:00 |
| 22 | pytorch | 7b79e17 | [BE] Move cuda12.6 builds to gcc11 (#148740) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 12:58:17-08:00 |
| 23 | pytorch | 08baaa7 | [Docs][TunableOp] TunableOp documentation update (#148384) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 21:02:44+00:00 |
| 24 | pytorch | bb94b65 | Revert "[cutlass backend] fix assertion that prevent self multiplication (#148233)" | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 20:58:28+00:00 |
| 25 | pytorch | d8dc700 | Delete duplicate entry from `docker-builds.yml` (#148782) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 20:55:46+00:00 |
| 26 | pytorch | 99da439 | Revert "Remove Cuda 12.4 from nightly Binaries (#148625)" | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 20:47:45+00:00 |
| 27 | pytorch | b246cd7 | Revert "Move get accelerator to use build time flags when possible (#146098)" | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 18:59:58+00:00 |
| 28 | pytorch | 1239176 | Remove Cuda 12.4 from nightly Binaries (#148625) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 18:56:04+00:00 |
| 29 | pytorch | 61c4074 | Add Windows Arm64 Nightly Builds (#139760) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 18:53:56+00:00 |
| 30 | pytorch | e839e4f | Fix Wc++98-compat-extra-semi (#148757) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 18:49:08+00:00 |
| 31 | pytorch | 0a7ccee | [ROCm][Windows] Disable Composable Kernels and Triton for Windows builds (#147334) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 18:40:49+00:00 |
| 32 | pytorch | 18c6e00 | [CUDA Graphs][NCCL] Set event queries to happen under thread-local mode in `ProcessGroupNCCL.cpp` (#148594) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 18:39:02+00:00 |
| 33 | pytorch | 9769618 | [CI] [inductor] Add cu126 inductor jobs and move away cu124 (#148612) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 18:30:11+00:00 |
| 34 | pytorch | 8059ead | [ROCm] Incorporate ROCm triton specific tuning parameters (#148437) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 18:09:42+00:00 |
| 35 | pytorch | a3b77d4 | Subprocess compile (attempt 2) (#148635) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 19:53:54-08:00 |
| 36 | pytorch | 50c9f6d | [Windows][Inductor][XPU] Unload triton pyd files to be able to remove them on Windows. (#148323) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 18:55:32-08:00 |
| 37 | pytorch | d056948 | [XPU][Inductor] Update Intel triton for release 2.7. (#147727) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 18:55:32-08:00 |
| 38 | pytorch | abcca2f | Revert "Fix `torch.nn.functional.hardswish` gradients corner case (#148049)" | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 16:05:56+00:00 |
| 39 | pytorch | 17302b4 | Move get accelerator to use build time flags when possible (#146098) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 15:19:34+00:00 |
| 40 | pytorch | d54b2b7 | [BE] Delete split builds (#148739) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 22:42:20-08:00 |
| 41 | pytorch | 372ad7b | Enable FSDP2 on HPU device (#148667) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 14:33:43+00:00 |
| 42 | pytorch | bb84a23 | [ROCm] [TunableOp] Enable logging of BLAS parameters (#147034) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 09:32:56+00:00 |
| 43 | pytorch | 3f069e7 | [mm_logs] enhance the printing for overview info (#148716) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 05:23:45+00:00 |
| 44 | pytorch | 5f392ae | Throws error when using torch.cuda.MemPool with expandable segments (#148378) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 15:22:21-08:00 |
| 45 | pytorch | fe4b88f | [HPU] Add hpu to fused kernels supported devices (#148666) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 04:28:30+00:00 |
| 46 | pytorch | 33f8ab2 | [ROCm][TunableOp] Add support for rowwise scaling on scaled GEMM. (#148238) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 04:12:44+00:00 |
| 47 | pytorch | cdb4fd0 | Update win-vs2022-cuda12.1-py3 -> win-vs2022-cuda12.6-py3 (#148717) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 03:21:24+00:00 |
| 48 | pytorch | 127bd5a | Add sparsity (#148513) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 19:42:11-08:00 |
| 49 | pytorch | c8cd8f6 | [dynamo] Properly account for non-list instances in list comparison (#148470) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 11:33:46-08:00 |
| 50 | pytorch | a7fe685 | Add cpp wrapper skip to cudagraph logs (#148700) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 12:51:33-08:00 |
| 51 | pytorch | 50eb4f3 | Enable UBSAN test (#147511) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 00:35:30+00:00 |
| 52 | pytorch | 33a2853 | [codemod] Remove unused-variable in caffe2/torch/csrc/distributed/c10d/cuda/ (#148501) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 00:33:39+00:00 |
| 53 | pytorch | a0bc6d8 | [CI][CUDA] Move away from cuda12.4, Add cuda12.6 eager CI tests (#148602) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-07 00:15:04+00:00 |
| 54 | pytorch | e2a0296 | [dtensor] add CuDNN SDPA op support to DTensor (#148537) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 16:19:10-08:00 |
| 55 | pytorch | 3960f97 | Documents torch.cuda.MemPool API (#148374) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 11:29:07-08:00 |
| 56 | pytorch | ed9c8a5 | ROCm: Disable torch check for Multiplication of two Float8_e5m2 matrices (#148228) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 22:12:41+00:00 |
| 57 | pytorch | e6800bd | [Test][Linalg][CUDA] Increase niter in test_svd_lowrank_cuda_float64 (#145930) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 22:10:49+00:00 |
| 58 | pytorch | 2fb6546 | [cutlass backend] fix assertion that prevent self multiplication (#148233) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 16:35:06-08:00 |
| 59 | pytorch | d35a4dd | [cutlass backend] Forward fix for less aligned gemm shapes (#148521) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 09:51:17-08:00 |
| 60 | pytorch | 5a5ac98 | [aarch64] add libcufile for cu126 and cu128 (#148465) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 21:39:39+00:00 |
| 61 | pytorch | 3d62e81 | [DCP] fix dcp gather_object/scatter_object_list (#147675) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 21:20:34+00:00 |
| 62 | pytorch | 262411e | [inductor] online softmax (#127011) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-03 16:05:15-08:00 |
| 63 | pytorch | edd640a | [BE][Ez]: Use itertools.chain.from_iterable when possible (#148190) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 20:37:01+00:00 |
| 64 | pytorch | 29b28e9 | Fix `torch.nn.functional.hardswish` gradients corner case (#148049) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 19:04:49+00:00 |
| 65 | pytorch | 96176e3 | Revert "[ROCm] Bump AOTriton to 0.9.1b (#148433)" | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 18:32:48+00:00 |
| 66 | pytorch | b85ae06 | Update CPU tolerance for f16 triplet margin loss (#147742) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 18:09:40+00:00 |
| 67 | pytorch | d10bacd | [AOTI][dashboard] Skip torchbench models not supported by export (#148359) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-03 12:14:01-08:00 |
| 68 | pytorch | 28b68b4 | Revert "[cutlass backend] fix assertion that prevent self multiplication (#148233)" | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 17:45:49+00:00 |
| 69 | pytorch | 3cde4c3 | [BE] Remove `onlyCPU` decorator from test_local_scalar_dense (#148559) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 17:43:02+00:00 |
| 70 | pytorch | 841451a | Revert "[Inductor] Avoid tensor slice overflow for large step (#147433)" | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 17:33:08+00:00 |
| 71 | pytorch | 679e7d2 | [mm_logs] follow up to add count info based on shape for inductor ``s (#148623) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 16:20:04+00:00 |
| 72 | pytorch | b160dda | cpp_wrapper: reduce memory usage by removing unneeded temporaries (#147403) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 22:30:24+00:00 |
| 73 | pytorch | 5fb0f45 | [triton 3.3] test_triton_kernel_constants fix (#148626) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 01:14:12+00:00 |
| 74 | pytorch | d518490 | Make torch.serialization.skip_data work with torch.load (#148018) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 08:50:56+00:00 |
| 75 | pytorch | 209977e | Add information about checkpoint offset to untyped storages when torch.load under FakeTensorMode (#147787) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 08:50:55+00:00 |
| 76 | pytorch | bdcc1b5 | Allow torch.load under FakeTensorMode to load FakeTensors with correct devices (for plain Tensors) (#147786) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 08:50:55+00:00 |
| 77 | pytorch | 79aa174 | [dynamo] replace unimplemented with unimplemented_v2 (#148570) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 08:52:57-08:00 |
| 78 | pytorch | ae6bb58 | Revert "[cutlass backend] Forward fix for less aligned gemm shapes (#148521)" | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 06:59:39+00:00 |
| 79 | pytorch | 4dc956a | [Inductor][Triton] Fix test_autotune_inplace_kernel to work with newer Triton version (#148595) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 05:37:04+00:00 |
| 80 | pytorch | 1fac477 | [Break XPU][Inductor UT] Generalize device-bias code introduced by #146866. (#148534) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 22:14:09-08:00 |
| 81 | pytorch | ad49cfc | [cutlass backend] Forward fix for less aligned gemm shapes (#148521) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 10:51:22-08:00 |
| 82 | pytorch | 8728d4b | Clear triton kernels after parent make_launcher (#148604) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 14:05:48-08:00 |
| 83 | pytorch | 1433bc1 | Remove CAFFE2_USE_EXCEPTION_PTR (#147247) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 02:56:23+00:00 |
| 84 | pytorch | 43e1284 | Fix empty matrix handling of addmv in inductor (#143792) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 02:09:22+00:00 |
| 85 | pytorch | 32715a2 | [inductor][ck] add kBatch_sweep to config.rocm (#148223) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 01:14:31+00:00 |
| 86 | pytorch | 2344149 | [scan] Refactoring of input checking and dynamo invocation (#142125) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 01:06:51+00:00 |
| 87 | pytorch | 6cc3e69 | [inductor] use eager stride for custom op if no tags (#148367) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 14:19:43-08:00 |
| 88 | pytorch | 703176e | [ROCm] Fix sort for non-standard bool (#147459) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-06 00:23:02+00:00 |
| 89 | pytorch | d6d670a | [AOTI] build CPU CPP kernels at O3, and all other code at O1 (#148587) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 18:45:19+00:00 |
| 90 | pytorch | 897fd9b | Revert "Subprocess compile (#146134)" | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 22:41:19+00:00 |
| 91 | pytorch | 5ccd659 | Fix decomp for linspace (#147997) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 10:47:43-08:00 |
| 92 | pytorch | 9e755a1 | [ROCm] add gfx12 to nightly wheels (#148562) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 21:56:22+00:00 |
| 93 | pytorch | 10354e1 | Re-enable test_torchinductor:test_buffer_batch_norm (#148573) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 09:47:19-08:00 |
| 94 | pytorch | 87bd347 | [c10d] Move record param for init to the right place (#148571) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 09:13:35-08:00 |
| 95 | pytorch | 4aeca28 | [cutlass backend] fix assertion that prevent self multiplication (#148233) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 16:35:06-08:00 |
| 96 | pytorch | dd6ec87 | [BE] Relax sympy dependency to 1.13.3 or newer (#148575) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 20:51:16+00:00 |
| 97 | pytorch | c9edd37 | Revert "[dtensor] add aten._scaled_dot_product_cudnn_attention.default op support (#148377)" | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 19:45:16+00:00 |
| 98 | pytorch | 8af79b7 | [ROCm] Bump AOTriton to 0.9.1b (#148433) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 19:11:53+00:00 |
| 99 | pytorch | 9eef457 | [dtensor] add aten._scaled_dot_product_cudnn_attention.default op support (#148377) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 00:05:42-08:00 |
| 100 | pytorch | 9dd46a9 | Deprecate sm70 for cuda 12.8 binary (#147607) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 18:54:13+00:00 |
| 101 | pytorch | 3f4311d | [CD] Upgrade xpu runtime pypi packages version and enable windows kineto again (#148319) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 18:39:52+00:00 |
| 102 | pytorch | c65ee72 | Initial implementation of host memory stats (#147660) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 16:13:16+00:00 |
| 103 | pytorch | 8274da9 | [c10d][PGNCCL] Fix capturability of isend and irecv (#148462) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 15:49:53+00:00 |
| 104 | pytorch | 96afa8a | [TEST][SPARSE] Simplify branching in test_cusparselt_backend (#148318) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 10:16:56+00:00 |
| 105 | pytorch | 0ef2e93 | [ROCm] [TunableOp] Track top solutions during tuning process (#147243) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 09:34:59+00:00 |
| 106 | pytorch | 6c3492b | [ROCm] Enable mi300-specific workflows to be triggered on PRs (#147904) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 06:00:37+00:00 |
| 107 | pytorch | 2295efa | Fix only logging ir_post_fusion with torch_compile_debug enabled (#148499) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 14:42:41-08:00 |
| 108 | pytorch | df7e43e | [AOTI] Fix aot_inductor_package test errors (#148279) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 05:22:44+00:00 |
| 109 | pytorch | b020d16 | stage 1 of depreate silent fallback of tuning gemm (#147798) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 23:42:44+00:00 |
| 110 | pytorch | ed8ec0c | [cutlass backend][BE] Fix two small things in cutlass backend standalone debugger (#148493) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 15:43:51-08:00 |
| 111 | pytorch | 1673bc7 | [mm_logs][ez] dump tuned mm info at lowering stage (#148363) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 02:21:27+00:00 |
| 112 | pytorch | edc3ca5 | [Profiler] Add profiler activity for HPU devices (#148182) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 01:37:45+00:00 |
| 113 | pytorch | b28cbe5 | [dynamo] remove internal stack trace for fullgraph=True graph breaks (#148205) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 11:46:46-08:00 |
| 114 | pytorch | b587329 | Add overload names to profiler trace (#143114) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 01:00:26+00:00 |
| 115 | pytorch | cf5e3f3 | Add cutlass kernel for rowwise scaled mm on sm100 (#148421) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-05 00:45:57+00:00 |
| 116 | pytorch | 84b58bd | Enable FSDP tests on XPU device (#147518) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 23:49:33+00:00 |
| 117 | pytorch | 93e9dae | [cuDNN][SDPA][Nested Tensor] Experimental cuDNN Nested Tensor SDPA Support (forward only) (#141178) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 23:09:09+00:00 |
| 118 | pytorch | 5f47b7e | [ROCm][TunableOp] Unit test for offline tuning of GEMM with bias (#148371) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 22:24:24+00:00 |
| 119 | pytorch | 84961a0 | ci: Add workflow dispatch for commit hash update (#148486) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 13:08:09-08:00 |
| 120 | pytorch | d290186 | ci: Add triton to update hash workflow (#148472) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 13:08:08-08:00 |
| 121 | pytorch | f30776c | [BE] Upgrade to mypy 1.14 (#145966) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 20:58:22+00:00 |
| 122 | pytorch | 439395c | [MPS] add slogdet and logdet implementations to mps (#148287) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 19:49:23+00:00 |
| 123 | pytorch | 63778cb | Revert "[Inductor] Record Triton’s Base32 Cache Key in `.best_config` for Debugging (#147019)" | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 19:20:15+00:00 |
| 124 | pytorch | c219c5c | Fix code descriptions in the test package. (#148145) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 19:14:37+00:00 |
| 125 | pytorch | f2f25a5 | Upgrade submodule oneDNN to v3.7.1 (#148293) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 13:56:45+00:00 |
| 126 | pytorch | f339e41 | [inductor][triton] Fix average pool nd for int64 dtype (#146061) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 13:53:47+00:00 |
| 127 | pytorch | fdee607 | [DCP] Introduce process based async checkpointing (#147039) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 13:33:28+00:00 |
| 128 | pytorch | 16d0798 | add supports_coalescing property in c10d::Backend to determine whether backend supports coalescing (#135338) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 12:37:06+00:00 |
| 129 | pytorch | e3e45d9 | [Inductor] Record Triton’s Base32 Cache Key in `.best_config` for Debugging (#147019) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 12:16:38+00:00 |
| 130 | pytorch | f1cce09 | Create unique test report files for distributed tests (#148325) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 10:45:30+00:00 |
| 131 | pytorch | e0f0db0 | updates to benchmarks (#144831) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-03 19:18:29-08:00 |
| 132 | pytorch | ac99fc7 | Updates to build rowwise scaled mm kernel on SM10.0a (#148274) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 05:23:38+00:00 |
| 133 | pytorch | 70410f9 | doc/xpu: align description of SyclExtension with CPP/CUDA (#147988) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 04:17:32+00:00 |
| 134 | pytorch | ec2805a | Remove outdated CUDA version check (#148142) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 03:33:39+00:00 |
| 135 | pytorch | 98bf2f1 | Use Python 3.9 typing (#148157) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 03:09:51+00:00 |
| 136 | pytorch | b7832f0 | Enable ASAN in CUDA tests (#147812) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 02:50:36+00:00 |
| 137 | pytorch | 1751800 | [cutlass backend] Benchmark compared to aten and triton (#148347) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 01:45:33+00:00 |
| 138 | pytorch | c21dc11 | [Intel GPU] Enable SDPA on XPU (#147614) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 01:40:45+00:00 |
| 139 | pytorch | b17f522 | Generate AOTI input check by default (#148005) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-04 00:55:14+00:00 |
| 140 | pytorch | 0bd2caa | Docker release - pin buildkit to v0.19.0 (#148372) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-03 23:55:30+00:00 |
| 141 | pytorch | d43c6f0 | [invoke_subgraph] Run joint passes on the hop graphs (#139325) | [email protected] | | 2025-02-28 14:15:06-08:00 |
| 142 | pytorch | 586d8df | Fix condition for `CONVERT_NON_VECTORIZED_INIT` invocation (#148362) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-03 12:59:23-08:00 |
| 143 | pytorch | d0b23e6 | [cutlass backend] Add main tests for mm, addmm and bmm - step 1 (#148229) | [email protected] | | 2025-02-28 17:19:54-08:00 |
| 144 | pytorch | a414138 | Use release notes label for module: distributed_checkpoint (#148352) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-03 21:33:25+00:00 |
| 145 | pytorch | e45040b | [c10d] Add hccl distributed backend to c10d data structures (#146478) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-03 21:32:21+00:00 |
| 146 | pytorch | 5207815 | Add support for no-op concat with padded output (#146866) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-03 21:10:43+00:00 |
| 147 | pytorch | 07f876e | Subprocess compile (#146134) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-03 08:32:35-08:00 |
| 148 | pytorch | b162b16 | [Inductor] Hot fix after #148011 (#148270) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-03 20:18:17+00:00 |
| 149 | pytorch | d260d4f | HSDP custom hook UTs are multi-threaded - can't set device rank (#148099) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-03 19:48:49+00:00 |
| 150 | pytorch | 302c660 | Consistently use load_torchbind_test_lib in tests (#148082) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-03 19:37:24+00:00 |
| 151 | pytorch | 40c2505 | [logging] Log individual Triton kernel compilation times to dynamo_compile (#147022) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-01 16:44:07-08:00 |
| 152 | pytorch | 0929181 | Fix extra semicolon warning (#148291) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-03 18:51:40+00:00 |
| 153 | pytorch | 57addfc | Significantly speed up save_cache_artifacts (#148227) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-01 20:54:04-08:00 |
| 154 | pytorch | d57f617 | [Inductor][CPP] Avoid transpose with cpp micro-gemm for FlexAttention (#147069) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-03 01:22:26-08:00 |
| 155 | pytorch | 6c089f5 | ci: move xpu triton build to manylinux 2.28 (#148195) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-03 12:31:05+00:00 |
| 156 | pytorch | 6a3a1f9 | Enable XPU for Inductor MM Triton Kernel Benchmark (#148237) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-02 01:17:06+00:00 |
| 157 | pytorch | 608377d | Revert "[import][inductor] Simplify grid handling (#147583)" | [email protected] | | 2025-03-03 00:49:31+00:00 |
| 158 | pytorch | 94afb16 | Revert "[c10d] Add hccl distributed backend to c10d data structures (#146478)" | [email protected] | | 2025-03-02 21:22:04+00:00 |
| 159 | pytorch | 9aa897b | Remove unnecessary tensor clone (#148159) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-02 16:21:39+00:00 |
| 160 | pytorch | 1d7397a | [Inductor] Avoid tensor slice overflow for large step (#147433) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-02 16:07:15+00:00 |
| 161 | pytorch | 9c506aa | [aotinductor] add option to disable runtime assertions (#146462) | [email protected] | | 2025-02-27 18:18:05+00:00 |
| 162 | pytorch | b59776d | [import][inductor] Simplify grid handling (#147583) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-02 07:31:07+00:00 |
| 163 | pytorch | dae3fbf | [c10d] Add hccl distributed backend to c10d data structures (#146478) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-02 05:13:48+00:00 |
| 164 | pytorch | 6e10471 | [ci] disable cudagraph for tts_angular on dashboard (#148221) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-02 03:31:19+00:00 |
| 165 | pytorch | de7af81 | [async TP] insert reshape node to handle "reshape -> scaled mm -> reshape pattern" in async TP with rowwise scales (#148001) | [email protected] | | 2025-03-02 03:25:28+00:00 |
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO] Starting code hotspot analysis...
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO] Code hotspot analysis results:
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO] Code hotspot analysis complete, detected 776 total file changes
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO]
| Directory | File | Changes |
| pytorch/.ci | .ci/docker/ | 3 |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
| pytorch/.github | .github/workflows/docker-builds.yml | 4 |
| | .github/workflows/trunk.yml | 4 |
| | .github/scripts/ | 4 |
| | .github/workflows/periodic.yml | 3 |
| | .github/workflows/pull.yml | 3 |
| | .github/scripts/ | 3 |
| | .github/workflows/generated-linux-binary-manywheel-nightly.yml | 3 |
| | .github/workflows/generated-windows-binary-wheel-nightly.yml | 3 |
| | .github/workflows/build-triton-wheel.yml | 2 |
| | .github/workflows/slow.yml | 2 |
| | .github/workflows/generated-linux-aarch64-binary-manywheel-nightly.yml | 2 |
| | .github/workflows/generated-linux-binary-libtorch-cxx11-abi-nightly.yml | 2 |
| | .github/workflows/generated-linux-binary-manywheel-main.yml | 2 |
| | .github/workflows/generated-linux-s390x-binary-manywheel-nightly.yml | 2 |
| | .github/workflows/generated-macos-arm64-binary-wheel-nightly.yml | 2 |
| | .github/workflows/generated-windows-binary-libtorch-debug-nightly.yml | 2 |
| | .github/workflows/generated-windows-binary-libtorch-release-nightly.yml | 2 |
| | .github/workflows/nightly.yml | 2 |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
| pytorch/aten | aten/src/ATen/native/transformers/cuda/ | 4 |
| | aten/src/ATen/native/transformers/cuda/sdp_utils.cpp | 4 |
| | aten/src/ATen/native/transformers/cuda/ | 3 |
| | aten/src/ATen/native/transformers/hip/aotriton_adapter.h | 3 |
| | aten/src/ATen/native/transformers/hip/flash_attn/aot/mha_all_aot.hip | 3 |
| | aten/src/ATen/native/native_functions.yaml | 3 |
| | aten/src/ATen/DeviceAccelerator.cpp | 2 |
| | aten/src/ATen/cuda/detail/CUDAHooks.h | 2 |
| | aten/src/ATen/detail/AcceleratorHooksInterface.h | 2 |
| | aten/src/ATen/mps/MPSHooks.h | 2 |
| | aten/src/ATen/xpu/detail/XPUHooks.cpp | 2 |
| | aten/src/ATen/xpu/detail/XPUHooks.h | 2 |
| | aten/src/ATen/cpu/vec/vec256/vec256_bfloat16.h | 2 |
| | aten/src/ATen/native/cpu/Activation.cpp | 2 |
| | aten/src/ATen/native/cuda/ | 2 |
| | aten/src/ATen/cuda/tunable/GemmCommon.h | 2 |
| | aten/src/ATen/cuda/tunable/TunableOp.h | 2 |
| | aten/src/ATen/native/TensorShape.cpp | 2 |
| | aten/src/ATen/native/cuda/ | 2 |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
| pytorch/benchmarks | benchmarks/transformer/ | 2 |
| | benchmarks/dynamo/ | 2 |
| | benchmarks/dynamo/ | 2 |
| | benchmarks/dynamo/torchbench.yaml | 2 |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
| pytorch/c10 | c10/cuda/CUDACachingAllocator.cpp | 3 |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
| pytorch/cmake | cmake/External/aotriton.cmake | 3 |
| | cmake/Codegen.cmake | 2 |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
| pytorch/docs | docs/source/torch.rst | 2 |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
| pytorch/root | | 2 |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
| pytorch/test | test/inductor/ | 11 |
| | test/inductor/ | 10 |
| | test/inductor/ | 6 |
| | test/ | 5 |
| | test/ | 5 |
| | test/inductor/ | 4 |
| | test/ | 3 |
| | test/fx/ | 3 |
| | test/inductor/ | 3 |
| | test/ | 3 |
| | test/distributed/tensor/ | 3 |
| | test/expect/HasDecompTest.test_has_decomposition.expect | 3 |
| | test/inductor/ | 3 |
| | test/ | 3 |
| | test/inductor/ | 3 |
| | test/inductor/ | 3 |
| | test/inductor/ | 2 |
| | test/ | 2 |
| | test/ | 2 |
| | test/inductor/ | 2 |
| | test/inductor/ | 2 |
| | test/inductor/ | 2 |
| | test/inductor/ | 2 |
| | test/inductor/ | 2 |
| | test/inductor/ | 2 |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
| pytorch/torch | torch/_inductor/ | 9 |
| | torch/_inductor/ | 8 |
| | torch/distributed/ | 6 |
| | torch/_inductor/ | 6 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/cuda/ | 6 |
| | torch/_inductor/ | 6 |
| | torch/testing/_internal/ | 6 |
| | torch/_C/_distributed_c10d.pyi | 5 |
| | torch/_inductor/kernel/ | 5 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/cuda/ | 5 |
| | torch/_inductor/ | 5 |
| | torch/testing/_internal/ | 5 |
| | torch/ | 5 |
| | torch/_inductor/kernel/ | 5 |
| | torch/_inductor/kernel/ | 5 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/ | 5 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/ | 5 |
| | torch/csrc/distributed/c10d/ProcessGroupNCCL.cpp | 4 |
| | torch/csrc/distributed/c10d/init.cpp | 4 |
| | torch/_inductor/ | 4 |
| | torch/_dynamo/ | 4 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/ | 4 |
| | torch/_inductor/kernel/ | 4 |
| | torch/_inductor/kernel/ | 4 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/ | 4 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/ | 4 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/ | 4 |
| | torch/_inductor/ | 4 |
| | torch/_inductor/runtime/ | 4 |
| | torch/csrc/distributed/c10d/ProcessGroup.hpp | 3 |
| | torch/csrc/distributed/c10d/ProcessGroupNCCL.hpp | 3 |
| | torch/_inductor/ | 3 |
| | torch/testing/_internal/ | 3 |
| | torch/csrc/inductor/aoti_package/model_package_loader.cpp | 3 |
| | torch/_inductor/runtime/ | 3 |
| | torch/_inductor/ | 3 |
| | torch/_inductor/ | 3 |
| | torch/_inductor/ | 3 |
| | torch/_inductor/ | 3 |
| | torch/_inductor/ | 3 |
| | torch/distributed/tensor/_ops/ | 3 |
| | torch/distributed/tensor/experimental/ | 3 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/ | 3 |
| | torch/_decomp/ | 3 |
| | torch/csrc/distributed/c10d/Backend.hpp | 2 |
| | torch/distributed/_tools/ | 2 |
| | torch/distributed/_tools/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/package/ | 2 |
| | torch/cuda/ | 2 |
| | torch/accelerator/ | 2 |
| | torch/accelerator/ | 2 |
| | torch/csrc/DeviceAccelerator.cpp | 2 |
| | torch/utils/data/ | 2 |
| | torch/csrc/jit/runtime/symbolic_script.cpp | 2 |
| | torch/distributed/fsdp/_fully_shard/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/ | 2 |
| | torch/distributed/optim/ | 2 |
| | torch/_decomp/ | 2 |
| | torch/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/ | 2 |
| | torch/_C/ | 2 |
| | torch/cuda/ | 2 |
| | torch/autograd/ | 2 |
| | torch/csrc/autograd/init.cpp | 2 |
| | torch/csrc/profiler/orchestration/observer.h | 2 |
| | torch/csrc/profiler/python/init.cpp | 2 |
| | torch/profiler/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/runtime/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/cuda/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/rocm/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/codegen/xpu/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/fx_passes/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/kernel/ | 2 |
| | torch/_inductor/kernel/ | 2 |
| | torch/utils/ | 2 |
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO]
Hotspot analysis complete
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO] Generating git patch/diff report file...
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO] Git patch/diff report generated: pytorch/git_patch_report_20250309_103325.diff
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO] File path: pytorch/git_patch_report_20250309_103325.diff
2025-03-09 10:33:25 [INFO] This report can be opened directly in Cursor for code change analysis or integrated with various LLM Agent tools
usage: codet [-h] [--version] [-d DAYS] [-e EMAIL] [-u USER] [-k KEYWORD] [-g] [-r] [-p PATH] [-s] [-m {union,intersection}]
codet is a CLI tool for analyzing git commit history.
1. quickly understand commit records, analyze code changes, and identify commit hotspots.
2. filter commits based on time range, search for specific keywords in commit diffs, or filter by author email.
3. as an optional feature, codet integrates AI through API tokens to provide deeper analysis.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-d DAYS, --days DAYS [Optional] Look back for git commits in the past N days (default: 30 days)
-e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
[Optional] Filter commits by git commit author email, can be used multiple times (e.g., -e [email protected] -e [email protected])
-u USER, --user USER [Optional] Filter commits by git commit author name, can be used multiple times (e.g., -u 'John Doe' -u 'Jane Smith')
-k KEYWORD, --keyword KEYWORD
[Optional] Search for keywords in commit diffs, can be used multiple times (e.g., -k keyword1 -k keyword2)
-g, --debug [Optional] Enable debug mode (default: False)
-r, --recursive [Optional] Recursively search for git projects in subdirectories (default: True)
-p PATH, --path PATH [Optional] Specify the path to analyze (default: current directory)
-s, --hotspot [Optional] Count changes in files and directories within search scope to identify active areas (default: False)
-m {union,intersection}, --mode {union,intersection}
[Optional] Search mode: union (match any condition) or intersection (match all conditions) (default: union)
For more details, visit the documentation or contact [email protected]
- Commit record analysis: Quickly view and analyze recent commit records. By default, it views commits from the past 30 days.
- Keyword search: Support searching for specific keywords in commit diffs to accurately locate relevant commits.
- Author and email filtering: Filter commit records based on the author's name or email.
- Code hotspot analysis: Identify frequently modified areas in the project by counting the number of changes in files and directories.
- Flexible search modes: Provide two search modes, union (match any condition) and intersection (match all conditions), to meet different search needs.
- File processing functionality: It has functions related to file processing, facilitating operations on project files.
- Cross - platform support: Can be used on multiple operating systems, with good compatibility.
- Simple and easy - to - use command - line interface: Provide a clear and concise command - line operation method, reducing the usage threshold.
If you want to participate in the development of Codet, you can clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
cd codet
Install development dependencies to perform operations such as code testing, formatting, and packaging:
pip install -e ".[dev]"
Codet is licensed under the MIT License. For detailed information, please refer to the LICENSE file.
If you need more detailed information, you can view the documentation or contact the developer: [email protected].