Ira (means watchful) as the name suggests aims to alert / make aware the employees on websites that one needs to be careful(sending sentive content) within corporate environments. Ira implements a set of rules on user browser surfing using browser extensions while you control these rules from a policy definition (.json file) residing on company's hosted domain. You should consider Ira when affording an anti-browsing software like network proxies / firewall / anitvirus / VPN is a technical / bugetary constraint.
Visit site for full documentation
Refer the readme section at coauth: Link
Refer the readme section at coauth: Link
The project is opensourced under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2. In simple english, if you modify the source and add custom/extend features, we would love that you share with us those changes to improve Ira's capabilities to help the community at large. You may definetely use this in commercial projects for free and provide paid support to your clients too, if you are a tech company :).