Đỗ Thị Thanh Tuyền | PhD | [email protected] |
Trần Nguyễn Thái Bình | KevinNitroG |
23520161 |
Undefined |
Nguyễn Thái Gia Nguyễn | NTGNguyen |
23521049 |
Nghiễng |
Huỳnh Chí Hên | LuckiPhoenix |
23520455 |
Lucky Cube |
Nguyễn Hữu Duy | ditto-11 |
23520374 |
Hủ Di |
Không Huỳnh Ngọc Hân | hankhongg |
23520427 |
Hưng |
- UUID or serial? if delete, that empty slot is skipped
erDiagram user { uuid userId PK "Bind with Supabase" varchar(20) userName UK "Index" nvarchar fullName char(12) citizenId date birthDay text pin "Hashed" bytea avatar "Optional, fallback OAuth image" text address "Optional" text email "Optional" char(10) phoneNumber "Optional" } source { varchar(20) sourceId PK "User choice" uuid userId FK money balance "Default 0, >= 0" } method { %% Non-renewal, principal rollover, principal & interest rollover varchar(3) methodId "Seed(NR, PR, PIR)" } interest_rate { serial interestRateId PK "Auto inc" int planId FK date definedDate decimal rate } ticket { uuid ticketId PK int sourceId FK int methodId FK %% So what if I changed and there're other ... already, will be failed money initMoney ">= settings[minimumInitMoney] when insert" %% Calculate before return to client (not in DB)? date createdAt "Default now" date closedDate "Nullable, defined later" } %% Use latest plan %% The name is ambiguous ticket_interest_rate { uuid ticketId PK,FK int interestRateId FK date issueDate PK "= ticket[createdAt] + 1 || prev[issueDate] + 1" date maturityDate "= issueDate + plan[days]" } plan { serial planId PK "Auto inc" int days UK ">= -1, Seed(-1, 90, 180)" boolean isDisabled serial latestInterestRate FK "Nullable" } transaction { uuid transactionId PK int sourceId FK money amount "> 0" enum type "deposit, withdraw, interest_payment" timestamp createdAt "Default now" } notification { serial notificationId PK uuid userId FK "Index" nvarchar title text content timestamp createdAt "Default now" } source }o--|| transaction : "has" user }o--|| notification : "has" user }|--|| source : "has" source }o--|| ticket : "has" ticket ||--o{ method : "has" ticket }|--|| ticket_interest_rate : "has sequential" plan }o--|| interest_rate : "has history" ticket_interest_rate ||--}o interest_rate : "has latest"
Admin related stuff
erDiagram statistic { date date int users "Σ user" int tickets money deposits "Σ ticket[initMoney]" } settings { money minimumInitMoney } admin { nvarchar username PK,UK text password "Hashed" }
are optional (for contact)
- Ticket:
- Return
/ 100" - Return
is when instantly settle (latestinterest_rate[rate]
- Return
group supabase[Supabase]
service authentication_server(server)[Authenticate Server] in supabase
service database(database)[Database] in supabase
group own_server[Own Server]
service api_server(server)[API] in own_server
service admin_web_server(server)[Admin Web] in own_server
group firebase[Firebase]
service fcm(server)[FCM] in firebase
group ai_server[AI Server]
service api_ai(server)[API] in ai_server
junction junction_bot_left
service mobile[Mobile]
service admin[Admin]
api_server:L -- R:authentication_server{group}
authentication_server:L -- R:database
admin_web_server:L -- R:api_server
fcm{group}:R -- L:junction_bot_left
api_ai{group}:B -- T:api_server
admin:T -- B:admin_web_server
mobile:T -- B:api_server
mobile:L -- R:junction_bot_left
junction_bot_left:T -- B:authentication_server{group}