a cheat code shooter, and also refer to it as konami code
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pnpm add cheatcode-shooter
// btw, it was initially named cheat-shooter, but npm disallowed the use of `cheat`.
import { CheatShooter } from 'cheatcode-shooter';
const actions = {
'konami': () => {
// Your action for the Konami code
// Add more actions as needed
const cheatShooter = new CheatShooter(actions);
cheatShooter.on('command', (commandInfo: Output) => {
if (commandInfo) {
console.log(`Command detected: ${commandInfo.input}`);
} else {
console.log('Invalid command');
// Access the available commands
console.log('Available commands:', cheatShooter.commands);
// Destroy the cheat shooter when it's no longer needed
interface Output {
step: number;
input: string;
guesses: string[];
new CheatShooter(actions: Record<string, Action>): CheatShooter
Creates a new CheatShooter instance with the specified actions.
destroy(): void
Removes event listeners and cleans up resources when the CheatShooter is no longer needed.
on(event: EventType, callback: EventCallback): Function
Registers a callback function to be called when a command is detected. Returns a function to remove the listener.
commands: string[]
An array of available cheat commands.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details